DAI projects cover the full spectrum of development disciplines. Working arm in arm with local people and organizations in all of our projects, we emphasize inclusion, participation, and sustainability.
DAI managed a $100 million U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) grant to the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock to provide credit to farmers, who repay their loans after their harvests.
Read MoreIn 2004, the eastern provinces of Afghanistan cultivated approximately one-third of Afghanistan’s opium poppy. Nangarhar alone had 28,000 hectares—a 44 percent increase in area from 2003, and more than 70 percent of the households were involved in the illicit poppy economy, double the national average. In 2005, after a strong enforcement campaign by the governor, the poppy-growing area was reduced by 90 percent.
Read MoreABADE worked to increase domestic and foreign investment, stimulate employment, and improve sales of Afghan products.
Read MoreThe Assistance to Legislative Bodies of Afghanistan (ALBA) project prepared both houses of Parliament for greater self-reliance.
Read MoreIn 2004, the U.S. Agency for International Development launched a national plan to create meaningful alternative livelihoods and assist the Afghan people in developing a licit economy; this immediate needs project was its first step.
Read MoreThe Incentives Driving Economic Alternatives for the North, East, and West (IDEA-NEW) program dissuaded Afghans from growing poppy by increasing access to licit, commercially viable, alternative sources of income.
Read MoreWhen this project launched in 2006, the insurgency was intensifying in Afghanistan and would soon escalate into violence. Our mission on behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development was crucial: encourage communities in the most volatile parts of the country to turn away from the insurgency and toward the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Read MoreThe Regional Afghan Municipalities Program for Urban Populations, Regional Command East (RAMP UP East) supported 14 provincial capitals. Its primary customers were municipal officials such as mayors, revenue officers, and engineers as well as the citizens who benefit from municipal services.
Read MoreThis project addressed helped to establish capable, legitimate governance at the municipal level in nine provincial capitals.
Read MoreThe Regional Afghan Municipalities Program for Urban Populations, Regional Command West (RAMP UP West) project established capable governance at the municipal level.
Read MoreRADP-East addressed issues of unreliable irrigation, poor agricultural cultivation techniques, and a lack of knowledge about accessing new markets, by using a value chain facilitation strategy to improve crop yields and find new outlets for rural Afghan farmers to sell their harvests, thereby increasing the food and economic security of the region.
Read MoreThe Regional Agricultural Development Program–North (RADP-North) facilitated investments and worked to improve the productivity and profitability of select agricultural value chains, increasing the food and economic security of rural Afghans.
Read MoreASMED supported small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the major drivers of Afghanistan’s economic development. Through support for investment, technology, and business development services, ASMED improved private sector productivity by expanding SMEs and increasing employment.
Read MoreSIKA-North worked to create more resilient communities in Afghanistan that see their government officials as delivering public services and responsive to local problems.
Read MoreSHAHAR helped create well-governed, fiscally sustainable Afghan municipalities capable of meeting the needs of growing urban populations.
Read MoreThe Afghanistan Value Chains–Crops (AVC) project promoted rapid, inclusive, and lasting growth in the agriculture sector.
Read MoreThis program supported efficiency and transparency in local markets and the training of microfinance policymakers and practitioners in the African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) Group of States. Regionally, our partners managed microfinance and small business investment funds.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was sub-contracted by Development Seed to support this project by providing guidance and expertise on energy demand and access in Sub-Saharan Africa, along with support for data needs.
Read MoreFollowing on the original Africa Lead project, Africa Lead II built the capacity of local leaders to develop, manage, and lead programs aimed at increasing agricultural productivity and food security.
Read MoreDAI provided technical expertise to design the Building Regional Resilience through Strengthened Meteorological, Hydrological, and Climate Services in the Indian Ocean Commission Member Countries project for consideration to the Green Climate Fund as part of the Adapt’Action framework contract.
Read MoreThe Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is the agricultural programme of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, an African Union (AU) programme. We provided technical assistance, at country and regional levels, to the CAADP.
Read MoreCPMR-ESA supported implementation of the conflict prevention, mitigation, and response programs of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/East Africa office in Nairobi, Kenya, and the USAID/Southern Africa office in Gaborone, Botswana.
Read MoreAfrica Lead built capacity among Africa’s emerging food security leaders to devise and manage their country investment plans.
Read MoreThe Tackling Deadly Diseases in Africa (TDDA) programme worked to save lives and improved global health security by reducing the impact of disease outbreaks, epidemics, and other public health threats across sub-Saharan Africa.
Read MoreThe U.S. Africa Command’s Operation Enduring Freedom—Trans-Sahara and DAI conducted this innovative civil-military operations/relations education program to support the interagency Trans-Sahara Counter Terrorism Partnership.
Read MoreThe Albanian Agriculture Competitiveness (AAC) program worked with producers, suppliers, and processors along promising value chains to increase productivity, improve quality, and access better markets in Albania.
Read MoreThe EUIS facility strengthens Albania’s institutional capacity to manage EU negotiations and support the implementation of the Growth Plan, thereby accelerating integration.
Read MoreDAI provided technical assistance to the Integrated Policy Management Groups (IPMGs) for policy dialogue and coordination in Albania to improve institutional mechanisms, capacities, and procedures for strategic and integrated planning at central and sector levels.
Read MoreThe EU REFIN Programme is part of a wider objective to strengthen public finance management, contributing to the improvement of the competitiveness of the national economy in Algeria.
Read MoreThe Fiscal Reform Project in Angola was based on DAI’s earlier work under the Fiscal Reform in Support of Trade Liberalization project, which designed and launched the Fiscal Programming Unit in the Angola Ministry of Finance.
Read MoreThe Regional Trade Project (ProAgro) was designed to test ways to use regional trade as a stimulus to rebuilding the agricultural sector in Angola.
Read MoreThe U.S. Agency for International Development-funded Agribusiness Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Market Development Program sought to increase market opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses.
Read MoreDAI was contracted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to support Armenian partner banks in establishing adequate lending practices and supporting them in loan appraisal and credit approval processes.
Read MoreThe Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Mountainous Armenia (SIGMA) project takes a market systems development (MSD) approach to bolster growth—primarily in the agricultural sector—in the poor rural regions of Armenia.
Read MoreDAI designed sustainable lending schemes for small agribusinesses in Armenia.
Read MoreOur team supports the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.
Read MoreThe Parliamentary Program in Azerbaijan project assisted the Parliament, called the Milli Majlis, in improving its government oversight and representation functions, with an emphasis on internal institutional reform and training of new constituency-based staff.
Read MoreFunded under the Feed the Future initiative, this project improved food security by strengthening agricultural value chains and ultimately benefitted 307, 419 households.
Read MoreIn Bangladesh, we worked with government and citizens, with media and watchdog organizations, and with public officials and elected representatives to foster partnerships and new incentives for anticorruption reform.
Read MoreDAI managed the final year of the Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection project implementation and provided information technology, adaptive social protection, policy, and project management expertise to support this Bangladesh program.
Read MoreDAI led a consortium that provided technical assistance in parallel to an equity investment by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the Reconversion and Development Bank of Belarus of $3.36 million in 2008, followed by a further increase in 2010.
Read MoreFunded by the Inter-American Development Bank, DAI’s Sustainable Business Group worked with the Belize Credit Union League to help Belizean small and medium enterprises grow through innovative green finance products.
Read MoreThe project provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries for the implementation of the Programme d’Appui au Développement Durable du Secteur Agricole, a €70 million initiative to reform Benin’s agricultural sector.
Read MoreThis project supported the implementation of the European Union (EU)-bilateral development cooperation strategy in Bhutan, with particular focus on the two ongoing EU budget support programs: 1) Rural Development and Climate Change, and 2) Local Governance and Fiscal Decentralization.
Read MoreThe Education for Employment project supported the Government of BiH to increase the responsiveness of its education sector to labor market needs and worked to increase institutional capacities and coordination within the education sector at all levels.
Read MoreThe Further Support to Public Finance Management project enabled authorities in BiH to improve public finance management by increasing expenditure effectiveness and the budget planning process.
Read MoreSince the Dayton Peace Accords of 1995, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been consolidating its emerging multiethnic and representative government. To improve the chances for political success and sustainability, GAP built the capacity of 41 “partner municipalities” to serve their citizens within a policy and fiscal framework of good governance.
Read MoreBosnia and Herzegovina has been implementing public administration reform since 2006. This project supported the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office at all government levels to efficiently coordinate the process of reform.
Read MoreThe Technical Assistance for Vocational Education and Training (VET) Education project aims to address critical challenges within Bosnia and Herzegovina’s education system, strengthening the verification of skills and, consequently, enhancing the employment prospects of students and skills holders.
Read MoreThe EU4Energy project aims to support Bosnia and Herzegovina in reforming its energy sector in alignment with the European Union energy acquis.
Read MoreDAI supported the Government of Botswana, and especially the Ministry of Education and Skills Development, to implement the Education and Training Strategic Sector Plan and to undertake key system reforms, including improvements in public finance management.
Read MoreDAI built the institutional capacity of the SADC Secretariat, helping the regional governing body to modernize and enhance its internal administrative and management processes.
Read MoreThe U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Brazil Micro and Small Enterprise Trade-Led Growth Program was a pilot project, aimed at enhancing job and income creation through trade-led growth of micro and small enterprises.
Read MoreDefra commissioned DAI to conduct research and analysis of the current state of play in the Legal Amazon region in Brazil to inform the next round of climate finance investments in the country.
Read MoreDAI supported labour policy reforms and providing vocational training to help the local workforce participate in reconstruction efforts following the hurricanes of 2017.
Read MoreDAI was contracted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, under its Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Finance Facility Special Fund, to support Allianz Bank’s ability to downscale its lending activities to the SME sector in Bulgaria.
Read MoreIn partnership with Encon Services, DAI implemented a European Bank for Reconstruction and Development-funded project intended to develop Rational Energy Utilization Plans with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Bulgaria.
Read MoreEurobank EFG Bulgaria AD (EFGB) is the fifth-largest bank in Bulgaria, operating 272 network locations and employing 2,649 staff. In 2008, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development selected EFGB to receive a credit line of €25 million under its lending window facility for on-lending to Bulgarian small and medium enterprises (SME).
Read MoreDAI assisted Société Générale Expressbank, one of Bulgaria’s leading banks in the consumer finance market, in expanding its small and medium enterprise loan portfolio.
Read MoreDAI supported Burundi’s efforts to respond to changes in the world agricultural market that occurred in the 1990s, when Burundi was mired in crisis, and to revitalize the country’s agricultural sector.
Read MoreThe Assistance Technique et Appui à la Communication et Visibilité du Programme d’Appui à la Société Civile au Burundi (ASCB) project supports civil society in Burundi.
Read MoreEstablished to assist Burundi’s post-transition national government and civil society organizations, PCTAP increased the government’s ability to develop policies and deliver essential services in a transparent, inclusive, and conflict-sensitive manner.
Read MoreThe Development Innovations project connected Cambodia’s civil society and technology communities to design and use information and communication technology solutions to address development challenges.
Read MoreThe Cambodia MSME 1 and 2 Project built upon the success of DAI-led employing a market-driven, grassroots strategy aimed at alleviating poverty and fostering economic growth in 17 rural provinces.
Read MoreThe Royal Government of Cambodia successfully designed and implemented a comprehensive four-stage public financial reform plan supported by 10 development partners, including the European Union, the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), and AusAID.
Read MoreThe Technical Assistance to the Sustainable Assets for Agriculture Markets, Business and Trade (SAAMBAT) program works to reduce multidimensional poverty by developing a better connected, more resilient, and more equitable rural economy in Cambodia.
Read MoreOn behalf of a Canadian association, DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) analyzed the technical and vocational education and training institutions and tertiary educational service providers in the energy sector across Nova Scotia to establish a series of recommendations to promote these activities regionally and internationally.
Read MoreThe Newfoundland and Labrador Oil and Gas Industries Association commissioned DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) to conduct a local content forecasting study in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Read MoreMarine Renewables Canada commissioned a study to further assess how to expand its small and medium enterprise members’ access to domestic and international markets.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) undertook extensive analysis of legal, regulatory, policy, and contractual documents to identify new opportunities to improve the policy framework for local benefits to drive greater local economic growth vis-à-vis employment and small firm participation in the energy supply chain.
Read MoreNova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines and the Offshore Energy Research Association contracted DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) to carry out a pilot offshore energy and technology sector supply chain assessment.
Read MoreSupported by the U.S. Department of Labor, CULTIVAR raised labor standard compliance and increased the competitiveness of targeted agricultural sectors in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua.
Read MoreFunded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and multinational apparel companies, DAI worked with international and local nongovernmental organizations recognized for their workplace training approaches, and with unions and local governments to achieve sustainable change in workplace conditions.
Read MoreThis regional initiative identified solutions and action plans to permit the countries and territories of Central America and the Dominican Republic to respond to the effects of climate change.
Read MoreDAI worked to expand the frontier of quality banking services to benefit geographically isolated poor people and micro-entrepreneurs in Colombia.
Read MoreThe Responsive Governance (RG) Activity enhances good governance, public financial management, and effective public service delivery in conflict-affected municipalities in Colombia.
Read MoreBy developing effective support systems for producers and strengthening the linkages between producers and agricultural markets, the Agribusiness Competitiveness Enhancement Project enabled agribusiness enterprises to determine and meet market demand by producing more profitable goods in Croatia.
Read MoreIn 2003, with an unemployment rate as high as 20 percent, job growth was a primary imperative for Croatia. The ESP project worked to create lasting private sector jobs in economic sectors where Croatia is internationally competitive—leading to higher levels of investment and sustainable economic growth.
Read MoreThe overall objective of the European Union/European Bank for Reconstruction and Development SME Finance Facility for EU Accession countries was to deepen the credit markets for small and medium enterprises by building the confidence and capacity of participating banks in SME lending, and by providing credit to SMEs through participating banks.
Read MoreRIEDA was a demand-driven agricultural project that extended the reach of the Croatia Agribusiness Competitiveness Enhancement project to bring small and part-time farmers in the Area of Special State Concern into the mainstream.
Read MoreWorking at national and provincial levels, the Building Recovery and Reform through Democratic Governance in the DRC (BRDG-DRC) project provided long- and short-term consulting and technical assistance, training services, applied research, workshops, conference organization and hosting, logistical support, and commodities to advance the DRC’s political transition.
Read MoreComplementing other International Finance Corporation interventions to improve the enabling environment for private sector growth and investment, the capacity building delivered to Rawbank in the Democratic Republic of the Congo fell under the Africa MSME Finance Program, which seeks to significantly increase support to African micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME).
Read MoreEssor acted at meso (business associations) and macro (government) levels to improve the incomes of the poor through the development of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), including women- and youth-owned and ones in rural areas, through reforms to the country’s investment climate and policies.
Read MoreThe Food Production, Processing, and Marketing (FPPM) Project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo rehabilitated smallholder access to inputs, services, and markets so that even smallholder farms were able to become income-generating businesses.
Read MoreThe Programme de Bonne Gouvernance (PBG), or Good Governance Program, improved the management capacity and accountability of select legislatures and local governments by working closely with civil society and community-based organizations, parliamentary institutions at the central and provincial levels, and public institutions with a stake and role in decentralization.
Read MoreThe Security Sector Accountability and Police Reform Programme worked to improve the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s capacity to provide security, safety, and justice for all.
Read MoreDAI developed a feasibility study and final designs for a climate change adaptation programme for the Yaque del Sur River Basin in the Dominican Republic.
Read MoreThrough Proyecto de Justicia de USAID, DAI helped the Dominican Republic’s justice institutions implement the new code by providing assistance in policy making, administration, and operations management.
Read MoreDAI and local partner Fundacion Plenitud developed a state-of-the-art assessment of the vulnerability and potential impacts of changes in climate on the coastal systems of the Dominican Republic.
Read MoreThe project increased access to multisectoral HIV/AIDS, health, and related services for mobile populations and vulnerable communities along major transport corridors.
Read MoreThe East Africa Trade and Investment Hub was the U.S. Government’s flagship project under the presidential Trade Africa initiative, which works to increase U.S.-Africa trade and investment, regional integration, and competitiveness.
Read MoreFrom 2013 to 2018, FoodTrade worked at improving the functioning of national and regional staple food market systems for beans, maize, rice, and soybeans—crops that are critical for low-income consumers and smallholder farmers—across nine countries in East Africa.
Read MoreBIZPRO supported businesses in the contiguous countries of Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova. In Belarus, we organized professional accounting programs and engaged a local think tank to provide economic analysis.
Read MoreThe SALTO project was the central implementing mechanism for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Ecuador’s Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy.
Read MoreThe Macro-Economic Stabilization and Reform (MESR) project addresses Egypt’s macroeconomic challenges and assists with reforms expected by the International Monetary Fund.
Read MoreWith a nationwide network of more than 300 banking units and dedicated small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) department with nearly 1,000 employees, the bank is a national leader in SME finance. DAI assisted the bank to increase its microfinance and broader SME portfolio.
Read MoreDAI increased access to capital and financial resources for underserved groups of small firms by working with the Bank of Alexandria in enhancing understanding of the issues specific to small firm lending, introducing the best lending and advisory practices, helping to design and roll out a programme that includes nonfinancial services aiming to improve financial literacy among final beneficiaries.
Read MoreTAPR II’s objective was to provide a comprehensive and integrated source of technical assistance to Egyptian reformers to help them define and implement their vision for economic policy and institutional reforms.
Read MoreDAI created the Cairo Energy Efficiency Centre to promote the use of renewable energy and spread awareness of energy saving. The team also supported reforms in the energy sector by assisting Egypt to achieve sustainable energy and security of energy supplies.
Read MoreBy working with national and local governments to improve their systems for collecting and spending revenue, the El Salvador Domestic Resource Mobilization Program increased public funding to support social programs, generate employment, and reduce inequality.
Read MoreThe FPEMP project helped the Government of El Salvador increase tax revenue, without raising rates, and achieve greater transparency and accountability, and more efficiently use public resources.
Read MoreTo improve the economic situation in rural areas, the Government of El Salvador’s development strategy focused on enlisting local support for improved natural resources and generating better economic opportunities through higher-value agriculture and sustainable tourism, linked to improved management of El Salvador’s water, land, and biological resources.
Read MoreThrough Puentes para el Empleo, DAI supported the U.S. Agency for International Development in El Salvador to link young people—including women and vulnerable populations—to basic social resources of work, knowledge, security, and social capital to foster inclusion through employment opportunities.
Read MoreThrough the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Technical Support Program, DAI assisted the Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea to achieve its goals by improving efficiency, transparency, and accountability in social planning and investments.
Read MoreDAI provides capacity-building services, such as support in financial management, to ensure that First Consult is operating with compliant, effective processes conducive to good management on the BRIDGES programme in Ethiopia.
Read MoreEnterprise Partners was the major component of the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)’s Private Enterprise Programme Ethiopia (PEPE). It was launched to facilitate market systems development to create jobs and raise incomes of Ethiopians, especially women, living in poverty.
Read MoreThe Climate-Smart PSNP project is enhancing the design and planning capacities of Ethiopia’s Public Works Coordination Unit and Food Security Coordination Directorate.
Read MoreThe Land Investment for Transformation programme raised incomes for the rural poor and vulnerable populations in Ethiopia and enhanced economic growth through second-level land certification and improved rural land administration.
Read MoreDAI is supporting NIRAS to promote sustainable land management policies and practices that will improve the economic well-being of rural Ethiopians and combat land degradation resulting from changes in climate.
Read MoreThe Strengthening Host and Refugees Populations in Ethiopia program works to strengthen the economies of target populations in three regions in Ethiopia; Dollo Ado, Gambella, and Jijiga.
Read MoreThe Tax, Audit, and Transparency Programme supported the Government of Ethiopia in progressively expanding the tax base and ensuring more effective tax administration.
Read MoreThe Technical Assistance Programme to Support Lending Operations to the Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Project (WEDP) works to reduce unemployment in Ethiopia by offering women improved access to a diverse and responsible range of financial products aimed at encouraging income generation and business growth.
Read MoreEU-CAFE works to sustainably improve Ethiopian farmers’ access to inputs including coffee seed and seedlings, appropriate coffee production techniques, and extension and advisory services.
Read MoreThe European Union is supporting the Government of Ethiopia through public financial management (PFM) projects and through the new Technical Facility Unit (TFU).
Read MoreThe Clima East programme helped integrate the countries’ climate change strategies, greenhouse gases mitigation plans, and adaptation approaches. The programme was part of a larger Clima East package, supporting the development of ecosystems-based approaches to climate change.
Read MoreThis project provided technical assistance to help harmonize seed regulations in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), which allowed seed trade across the region, thereby integrating smaller and isolated national markets into one larger SADC market for seeds.
Read MoreThe Advancing Reforms in the Justice Sector in Georgia project continues initiatives that support judicial reform and fosters security, equality, and democratic participation by improving human rights protection and criminal justice, reducing violence against women, and boosting civil society engagement.
Read MoreDAI supported BasisBank in the implementation of a comprehensive institution-building programme. The objective of the programme was to strengthen the bank to allow it to compete effectively in Georgia and the region and thereby contribute to increased competition and a more balanced distribution of financial power.
Read MoreWe supported the Georgia Ministry of Internal Affairs, and its relevant departments, law enforcement, and State Security Services in the fight against organized crime.
Read MoreThe project Support to the Independence, Accountability, and Efficiency of the Judiciary assisted with ensuring the impartiality and professionalism of the judiciary towards being free from political or any other undue interference in Georgia.
Read MoreOur project supports the Georgia Public Defender’s Office to improve its ability to implement and monitor human rights policies and actions and raise human rights awareness across government and society.
Read MoreThe USAID Economic Security Program assisted Georgian firms in taking advantage of the country’s market access and location to exploit regional economic opportunities and compete with international competitors for the domestic market.
Read MoreDAI helped Kosmos Energy to design, launch, and implement the Kosmos Innovation Center (KIC) program as part of the oil and gas company’s corporate social investment strategy in Ghana.
Read MoreThis project was part of DAI’s framework contract with the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and was implemented by Nathan Associates UK. DAI consulted the project on aspects of climate resilience.
Read MoreIn service to its evaluation of migrating a logistics base to a port in Ghana, an international oil and gas company contracted DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) to conduct a political economy analysis to identify the risks and opportunities associated with the venture.
Read MoreThe Western Region Coastal Foundation promotes inclusive economic growth for communities affected by Ghana’s burgeoning oil and gas industry by helping to build up local supply chains, in addition to providing a multi-stakeholder dialogue platform for government agencies, oil companies, and coastal communities to better share challenges and solutions.
Read MoreFPRP supported Guatemala to increase domestic resource mobilization, enhance transparency and accountability, and support public procurement reform.
Read MoreThe Guatemala National Institutions Strengthening Project supported the Government’s reform efforts, focused on creating a more effective and transparent public financial management system, which will, in turn, improve governance, reduce opportunities for corruption, enhance public service delivery, and deter illegal migration.
Read MoreNexos Locales works with municipalities in Guatemala’s Western Highlands to foster more responsive, inclusive, and effective socio-economic development while reducing local vulnerabilities such as food insecurity and natural disasters. To achieve this goal, the project works at the intersection—or nexos—of good governance.
Read MoreUsing DAI’s Local Content Optimization Model, the SBG team assessed 10 commercial sectors in Guinea, including construction services, equipment manufacturing, logistics, machine maintenance and repair, and food catering.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group provided high-level analysis of the labor force in Guinea, with some observations of regional actors including Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone.
Read MoreThe Sustainable Business Group designed a Centre for Local Business Development in Guyana to provide business training, mentorship, embedded technical advisors, industry information, and analysis to help link local suppliers with oil and gas supply chain opportunities.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was contracted by an international energy company to design its internal strategy for corporate social investment (CSI) in Guyana.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group worked with the Guyana Institute for Private Enterprise Development to help Guyanese small and medium enterprises grow through innovative green finance products.
Read MoreThe DAI Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was commissioned to support the Newfoundland and Labrador Oil and Gas Industry Association (Noia)’s trade mission to Guyana for two consecutive years.
Read MoreFeed the Future AVANSE worked with farmers and vendors to address key constraints within production and value chains, from improved watershed stability and irrigation infrastructure, to increased access to financial products and produce buyers.
Read MoreEnvironmental degradation in Haiti is the worst in the Western Hemisphere—a cause and result of the country’s economic decline. DEED focused on promoting environmentally sustainable development in two of the country’s watersheds through commercial agriculture, alternative livelihood development, and natural resource management.
Read MoreThe Haiti Finance Inclusive project supported the development of the enabling environment to increase the usage of basic financial services by undeserved and unserved households and micro, small, and medium enterprises in rural and agricultural areas in Haiti.
Read MoreA shortage of land drives many farmers to till on Haiti’s hillsides. But to be sustainable, hillside farming requires suitable crops and special techniques. DAI staff worked with hillside farmers to build this understanding.
Read MoreThe floods that ravaged Haiti in the aftermath of Hurricane Jeanne in September 2004 had their origins in the upper watersheds of major river systems that empty at Gonaives and Port de Paix.
Read MoreThe U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Parliamentary Strengthening Program (PSP) program helped to develop Haiti’s parliamentary institutional capacity, promoted transparency in legislative processes, and facilitated representation through technical assistance, training, staffing, and materials.
Read MoreThe January 2010 earthquake shattered Haiti’s teeming capital of Port-au-Prince, killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of people, rendering homeless hundreds of thousands more, and leaving the city in ruins with miles of buildings and homes collapsed and infrastructure broken.
Read MoreThe Haiti Strategic Health Information System Program team consolidated and integrated Haiti’s disconnected health information assets to create a comprehensive national system.
Read MoreHaiti MSME was launched by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to improve livelihoods and create employment through broader access to financial services.
Read MoreAsegurando la Educación worked to improve schools’ ability to prevent violence, strengthened local networks that increase school safety, and built the capacity of the Ministry of Education and social service agencies to respond to school-based violence.
Read MoreWorking with Banco Ficohsa in Honduras, DAI studied the segmentation of the enterprise and residential mortgage markets, and assessed Banco Ficohsa’s capacity to better serve these segments.
Read MoreGEMA worked in western Honduras to further improve natural conservation policies; developed opportunities for inclusive, environmentally sustainable economic growth; and promoted a more informed and resilient civil society in Honduras.
Read MoreDAI provided technical assistance under EUROSAN, a food security and nutrition project, which was led by Belgium-based Agriconsulting and supported by DAI and Nicaragua-based Simbiosis.
Read MoreDAI was contracted by EBRD to assist Deutsche Leasing Hungary, certain aspects of which were also applied to Deutsche Leasing’s operations in Czech Republic and Poland, to expand its leasing operations for the SME segment.
Read MoreDAI supported Unicredit Leasing Hungary to strengthen its small and medium enterprise leasing practices.
Read MoreIn line with the Indian government’s strategy to strengthen economic growth and employment by developing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), DAI facilitated linkages between SMEs and business development and finance service providers.
Read MoreDAI was contracted by the U.S. Agency for International Development to analyze its comparative advantage for delivering innovative solutions to India’s water challenges.
Read MoreThe U.S. Agency for International Development’s first project focused exclusively on climate change adaptation in Indonesia helped 8,000 community members and 334 government staff prepare for risks associated with climate change.
Read MoreAMARTA focused on improving productivity and quality, the keys to upgrading agribusiness value chains in Indonesia.
Read MoreCBAIC worked with the Government of Indonesia and local partners to expand community-level capacity in animal and human surveillance and response to 27,000 villages across the western half of the country with the goal of reducing the risk of AI transmission to animals and humans, and ultimately, reduce the risk of pandemic influenza developing from deadly bird flu.
Read MoreIn Indonesia, 100 million people lack access to clean water, and many households in densely populated areas are not served by existing piped water. This project developed an innovative “ridge to reef” approach that leveraged the inextricable connection between health and the environment.
Read MoreDAI was commissioned by VF Corporation—one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear, and accessories companies—to help develop and implement a health program for a majority-female workforce.
Read MoreThe U.S. Agency for International Development’s Jalin program assisted the Indonesian government as it promoted solutions for preventing maternal and newborn deaths and extending health services.
Read MoreOCSP addressed the major threats driving orangutan extinction: forest conversion, unsustainable logging, and wildlife trafficking. To do so, the project formed and strengthened partnerships with 40 international and local organizations, private sector partners, government institutions, and communities, which together supported the design and establishment of best management practices for key habitat conservation of wild orangutan populations.
Read MoreSENADA, a four-year project financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), generated growth, jobs, and income by increasing the competitiveness of Indonesia’s labor-intensive manufacturing industries, including footwear, furniture, garments, auto parts, and information and communications technology.
Read MoreIn recent years, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and DAI have helped Indonesia—the country that has suffered the most human deaths from H5N1 avian influenza—make great strides in reducing its vulnerability to the virus.
Read MoreIndonesia has experienced tremendous political, economic, and social change since the end of authoritarian rule in 1998. The country now enjoys one of Asia’s most pluralist and critical media, and has held internationally accepted general elections.
Read MoreFor 8,000 years, the fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers yielded agricultural goods. But after years of war and neglect, Iraq’s farming system was in a dire state.
Read MoreThe Iraq Governance and Performance Accountability (IGPA)/Takamul project supports the Iraqi Government to shore up fiscal stability while rapidly and visibly improving service delivery.
Read MoreThe marshlands of southern Iraq were once a major flyway for billions of birds, a source of fish and dairy products for much of Iraq, and a natural filter for the waters of the Persian Gulf. But the wetlands were heavily drained as retaliation for their inhabitants’ uprising against Saddam Hussein following the Gulf War.
Read MoreProvincial Reconstruction Teams were the civilian-military teams established in 2005 to provide direct assistance to local Iraqi governments and communities. Most teams did not have the capacity to rapidly develop and deliver this assistance.
Read MoreThe Support Policy Dialog and Technical Assistance in Iraq project supports the EU’s objective to improve the overall stability of Iraq by addressing the root causes of the continued political and institutional fragility.
Read MoreDAI managed this grant in Iraq, implemented by a team of expert advisors in financial and performance audit, petroleum accounting, fraud detection and prevention, and institutional relationship strengthening.
Read MoreIn 2018 DAI’s Sustainable Business Group was hired by an international oil and gas company and on behalf of the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) to conduct a half-day Local Content Workshop.
Read MoreThe Arab Women’s Enterprise Fund (AWEF) focused on market system change and women’s economic empowerment in Egypt, Jordan, and until March 2018, the occupied Palestinian Territories.
Read MoreJCP stimulated about $70 million in new Jordanian exports, facilitated more than $100 million in investment opportunities, contributed to the creation of nearly 1,000 jobs, and assisted in securing new or better work opportunities for nearly 30,000 individuals.
Read MoreBy 2009, years of organic and poorly planned growth in the Kingdom of Jordan had produced a large and unwieldy government bureaucracy accounting for 13 percent of the national workforce.
Read MoreThe Instituting Water Demand Management (IDARA) project helped Jordan manage its water demand to more effectively use the current water supply, and embrace water-use efficiency throughout the country.
Read MoreThe Macroeconomic Advisory Support to the Government of Jordan project aims to deliver demand-led technical assistance supporting macroeconomic management, especially financing strategies and debt management, and support to the energy and water sectors on financial sustainability.
Read MoreAs part of a European Reconstruction and Development Bank-funded project, DAI supported FINCA Jordan in achieving its long-term goal of becoming a leading MSME lender by implementing a specialized lending methodology, training bank staff in MSME lending, strengthening internal audit and control procedures, developing a credit scoring model, and improving performance measurement.
Read MoreImproving Jordan’s productivity will be the key to sustainable economic growth, job creation, increased wages, and improved standards of living. While the private sector is key to stimulating and sustaining growth, it cannot do so alone. SABEQ worked with both the public and private sectors to increase the number of jobs available to Jordanians, and enhance the competitiveness of Jordanian firms.
Read MoreThe EU’s Green Economy program in Jordan supports the country’s green transition by promoting climate resilience, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability.
Read MoreWe are supporting sustainable growth in Jordan through free and equitable access to high-quality primary and secondary education for human capital development.
Read MoreThe Jordan Workforce Development Project worked to create a competitive, demand-driven workforce development system that leads to increased private sector employment, especially for women, youth, and those living at or below the poverty line.
Read MoreDAI worked with the government of Kazakhstan to develop performance standards and indicators for the civil service in pilot ministries and oblasts; the standards and indicators were later extended across the whole public administration.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) is providing a software as a service solution to enable efficient reporting of local workforce, procurement, and capacity development data for 114 of their active suppliers, in line with local content compliance requirements set by the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Read MoreThe Kenya Deepening Democracy Programme addressed recurring political instability and non-inclusive institutions in Kenya by improving electoral processes and government accountability.
Read MoreThe Drivers of Accountability Programme worked to address the issues of impunity and lack of accountability that fed into the post-election violence of 2007–2008 in Kenya.
Read MoreKenya FIRM built the capacity of the commercial sector to deliver customized financial products and services for entrepreneurs and businesses—primarily in rural areas.
Read MoreThrough the Hunger Safety Net Programme (HSNP), more than 600,000 of Kenya’s most vulnerable people had access to cash transfers on a regular basis and up to 2,100,000 people were reached with emergency cash transfers in times of drought or flood.
Read MoreThe Kenya Integrated Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Project (KIWASH) project combined nutrition programming with improved access to water security, sanitation, and hygiene.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group was contracted by the World Bank to develop, plan, and deliver The Kenya Local Content Exchanges project, an initiative of the Petroleum Business Opportunities project.
Read MoreThe Microfinance Capacity Building Project’s principal objective was to build and strengthen the Association of Microfinance Institutions so that it could become a permanent fixture in the Kenyan financial services marketplace, improving much-needed industry infrastructure for microfinance institutions while helping to increase client outreach and business performance.
Read MoreThe Kenya NiWajibu Wetu (NIWETU) program, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, worked to reduce violent extremism among at-risk individuals and communities in hotspots in Kenya.
Read MoreStARCK+ achieved transformational change by helping Kenya to scale up private sector innovation and investment in low carbon and adaptation products, services, and assets such as clean energy, sustainable agriculture, water management, and weather forecasting.
Read MoreOur technical assistance supports the Public Finance Management Reform Secretariat in Kenya.
Read MoreThrough assistance in reducing tensions and by enabling economic, political, and social recovery, the Kenya Transition Initiative Program (KTI) helped to renew the nation’s confidence and capacity in addressing instability, political marginalization, and violence.
Read MoreThe U.S. Agency for International Development-funded Ministry of Foreign Affairs Support program in Kosovo helped conduct a situational analysis that identified the most immediate issues facing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and collaborated with MFA personnel to address legal and policy issues, along with the procedural and operational aspects of building a new institution.
Read MoreThe Kosovo Strengthening Public Procurement (KSPP) project strengthened the public procurement system and reduced incidents of malfeasance and corruption.
Read MoreThe project strengthens municipal education directorates and schools in Kosovo to fulfill their assigned functions related to school recruitment, teacher professional development, and quality assurance.
Read MoreWe supported the Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo to effectively protect and promote the rights and fundamental freedoms of citizens by enforcement of institutional capacities and the introduction of new tools and methods.
Read MoreThe Transparent, Effective, and Accountable Municipalities (USAID TEAM) activity supported Kosovo to improve the transparency and accountability of the municipal procurement process in all 38 municipalities.
Read MoreThe Enterprise and Innovation Programme increased innovation and growth in startups and small firms and provided support and training through the establishment of business innovation centres in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Read MoreThe Facility provides flexible, short-term, demand-driven support for policy development and capacity building to the governments of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Read MoreCAMI improved service delivery and strengthened government legitimacy across 50 local municipalities in Kyrgyzstan, which resulted in 15,636 residents with improved access to clean drinking water, 53,245 citizens benefitting from improved garbage collection, and 590 public dialogue sessions.
Read MoreTo effect reform and stability, the Kyrgyzstan Parliament must work toward three intertwined objectives: being a more constructive actor in the Kyrgyz state system, a responsive and representative body, and a well-managed institution. DAI supported the Parliament (Jogorku Kenesh) in that effort.
Read MoreThe Tec-In project worked to identify and develop innovations in the use of information and communications technology to expand access to financial services throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
Read MoreLERII aimed to assist the Lebanese government in implementing key economic reforms, reach agreement on the construction of key donor-financed infrastructure projects, and ensure that such projects were successfully built and operated.
Read MoreThe Lebanon Industry Value Chain Development (LIVCD) project improved Lebanon’s economic stability and provided income-generating opportunities for small business while creating jobs for the rural population, in particular women and youth.
Read MoreThe Lebanon Social Enterprise Pilot Project used an evidence-based approach to demonstrate the potential of the private sector-led social enterprise model to deliver economic growth and improve social cohesion in Lebanon.
Read MoreThe Technical Assistance Facility contributed to the expansion and diversification of Lebanon’s economy through the modernization of the private sector and the promotion of trade, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
Read MoreUnder the LWPP, DAI supported the Ministry of Energy and Water and the Water Establishments in Lebanon, guiding Lebanese ministry and water establishments’ officials through the complicated process of identifying and implementing sustainable financing and privatization techniques.
Read MoreThe Lebanon Water Project increased reliable and sustainable access to water for Lebanese citizens, improved water management practices, enhanced the efficiency and sustainability of the public water utilities, and responded to water issues arising from the influx of Syrian refugees.
Read MoreThe Lebanon Water and Wastewater Sector Support project partnered with Lebanon’s four water establishments and the Ministry of Energy and Water. The project provided training and technical assistance related to improving operational and management efficiency, customer service and outreach, financial viability and cost recovery, and capital investment planning.
Read MoreThe Apparel Lesotho Alliance to Fight AIDS (ALAFA) project was tasked with designing a strategy to address HIV/AIDS in the apparel industry and found that not only was an intervention was feasible, but also that it was vital to the sustainability of the apparel industry, to save an estimated 1,850 lives per year in the industry and increase productivity.
Read MoreThe project’s focus is to promote financial inclusion, assist in Lesotho’s transformation into a greener and more resilient economy, and foster good governance for a peaceful and just society.
Read MoreThe Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative improved the citizen-state relationship in Liberia by supporting coalitions and advocacy campaigns that promote public sector accountability.
Read MoreThe DAI team worked with Liberia’s new government to increase legitimacy, strengthen public sector management, and promote policy and institutional reforms. In addition, DAI built concrete and positive communication channels and relationships between the citizens and their state institutions.
Read MoreAfter the second civil war in Liberia ended, DAI was active in the country on behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), supporting social reconciliation, community infrastructure reconstruction, economic development, and democratic governance and civil society strengthening.
Read MoreThe Food and Enterprise Development Program helped Liberia achieve increased food security—in terms of food availability, utilization, and affordability—by building incentive structures that assisted local stakeholders to adopt a commercial approach.
Read MoreDAI Global Health implemented a countrywide inventory of medical equipment in 20 hospitals, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, to assess the health care technology management and maintenance requirements of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Liberia.
Read MoreDAI assisted LBDI in expanding its business, particularly to the micro, small, and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) segment. The banking sector in Liberia is extremely small, comprising only a handful of operational banks.
Read MoreThe Local Empowerment for Government Inclusion and Transparency program helped solidify decentralization reforms by facilitating the transfer of authority from the national government to counties and cities, enhancing citizen participation in governance, and building capacity for government officials.
Read MoreThis project increases the value of traded timber products, strengthen forest law enforcement and governance, and share forest benefits more equitably through implementation of the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement between Liberia and the European Union.
Read MoreThe Revenue Generation for Governance and Growth project helped the Liberia Revenue Authority to improve its tax collection system and cultivate accountability among taxpayers.
Read MoreIn 2011, the European Union and the Government of Liberia concluded a Voluntary Partnership Agreement under the European Union’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade Action Plan. The agreement commits the Liberian Government to developing and implementing systems to ensure that its timber exports to the European Union come from legal sources.
Read MoreThe goal of this assessment was to update World Bank understanding in Libya, increase the specificity of its knowledge about critical institutions and themes, and broaden the base of Libyan sources for future use by the bank.
Read MoreDecentralization is an important component of lasting democratic development in countries such as Macedonia that are accustomed to a centralized autocracy. The MDW project increased the capacity of municipal governments to assume new powers under the decentralization that commenced in 2005.
Read MoreThe Republic of Macedonia has made decentralization and the promotion of democratic local governance a principal part of its commitment to restore, revitalize, and expand democratic practices. The goal of MMMS was to provide technical assistance and training to local governments to improve their ability to undertake their new responsibilities in school management.
Read MoreOhridska Banka Société Générale (OBSG) became an affiliate of Société Générale in 2007. One of 10 companies in the Macedonian Stock Exchange Index, OBSG signed an agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for a €5 million Loan Facility.
Read MoreDAI was contracted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to help Investbanka substantially increase its small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) lending activities.
Read MoreThrough the Eco-Regional Initiatives to Promote Alternatives to Slash and Burn Practices project, DAI created an innovative form of eco-regional conservation and development that contributed to national goals articulated in the “Madagascar Naturellement” vision, the “Madagascar Action Plan,” and other government policy documents.
Read MoreCLIM-INVEST supports Madagascar by stimulating investments in the country, creating high-quality jobs, fostering sustainable and inclusive growth, and encouraging responsible business conduct.
Read MoreDAI’s Climate Just Communities (CJC) Malawi project uses a participatory approach to developing and delivering climate justice interventions that build community resilience to the material and social effects of climate change.
Read MoreCOMPASS II identified natural resource-based products in Malawi that had the potential to provide business opportunities for HIV-affected and other marginalized households, such as those headed by women or youth.
Read MoreDAI and our partners, Michigan State University and Save the Children, focused on value chain building in Malawi and smallholders’ decision-making about what to plant and consume, acknowledging that smallholders operate under short horizons with limited assets and coping strategies for handling fluctuations in food and income.
Read MoreChilungamo contributed to increased levels of governance, accountability, compliance with the rule of law, and respect, promotion, and protection of human rights in Malawi.
Read MoreTo ensure more citizens benefit from the effects of decentralization, the Local Government Accountability and Performance activity worked to improve local government performance and transparency, increase citizen engagement, and strengthen the enabling environment for decentralization in Malawi.
Read MoreDAI works with the Government of Malawi, the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning, and Development, and other stakeholders to achieve efficient and effective use of public resources and support the growth of the economy and development of Malawi.
Read MoreThis project helps the Malawian Revenue Authority improve its organizational leadership.
Read MoreWala Malawi supports the industrialization and diversification of the Malawian electricity sector by implementing reforms and promoting private-sector investments.
Read MoreThe Malawi Land Governance programme enhanced people’s livelihoods and food security through sustainable agricultural development, with an emphasis on reaching remote rural areas and vulnerable populations.
Read MoreThe Tilitonse Fund was a multi-donor grants facility that supported Malawian-based civil society organisations in promoting accountable, inclusive, and responsive governance.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) created an innovative five-year strategy to deliver economic and social impact beyond project revenue, to create positive outcomes for government, commercial opportunities for suppliers, and direct employment.
Read MoreSince 2016, DAI’s Sustainable Business Group has provided support to the KIC, which got its start in Ghana and expanded its work to Mauritania in 2018.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) worked with a multinational mining company to assess the company’s Local Business Integration (LBI) program and conducted a gap analysis to inform recommendations for optimizing supplier development.
Read MoreDAI worked with the Government of Mauritius to improve capacity and coordination across key institutions dealing with climate change.
Read MoreThe Access to Rural Finance for Microenterprises project built an inclusive, sustainable microfinance sector in Mexico as a means to increase access to a range of financial services and thereby spur local economic development.
Read MoreThrough a U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) grant, DAI created and implemented a rural bank and credit officer training program to give Financiera Rural staff a solid foundation in rural and agricultural loan and credit operations, and to give the institution the in-house expertise it needed to meet its future demands for new officer training.
Read MoreThe Mexico Better Health Programme addressed the growing threat of noncommunicable diseases—especially obesity and diabetes—with a focus on realizing the economic and social benefits associated with improved health.
Read MoreDAI implemented the Mexico Clean Energy Programme, which developed the skills of small and medium enterprises and government institutions to support Mexico’s transition to a low-carbon economy.
Read MoreThis programme aims to create a more inclusive and competitive financial services sector accessible to all segments of Mexican society and new market entrants.
Read MoreMexican Association of Hydrocarbon Organizations commissioned the DAI Sustainable Business Group to conduct a multiphase study consisting of policy analysis and benchmarking, national content methodology simplification, and supply-demand gap analysis.
Read MoreThe Skills for Prosperity Mexico project works to prepare learners to go from the classroom to the workforce with the right skills for the marketplace.
Read MoreWe worked with an alliance of regulated financial institutions to expand access to basic financial services to the poor. This included applying new approaches to branchless banking.
Read MoreWe worked closely with the U.S Agency for International Development to launch and strengthen the Middle East and North Africa Network of Water Centers of Excellence (MENA NWC), a regional association of research and educational institutions.
Read MoreDAI assessed the economic impact of a national energy transition from fossil fuels toward clean hydrogen-based solutions.
Read MoreThe need to diversify export markets is broadly accepted throughout Moldova. ACED supported this imperative—including improving Moldova’s sanitary and phytosanitary standards compliance and its ability to meet international food safety standards.
Read MoreBIZTAR supported the Government of Moldova’s efforts to encourage productive investment by improving the business environment and lowering the overall burden of state regulation on private enterprise.
Read MoreTo support the development of the small and medium enterprises sector in Moldova, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Bank, through the Moldovan Financial Sector Framework, approved a loan facility of €1.5 million to ICS Total Leasing SA in December 2010.
Read MoreDAI completed the International Finance Corporation (IFC)’s Investment Climate Reform program in support of Moldova’s strategy to prepare its economy to capitalize on the country’s association agreement with the European Union.
Read MoreThis project is increasing the capacity of the Government of the Republic of Moldova and other key national institutions in implementing the European Union-Republic of Moldova Association Agenda.
Read MoreThis project accelerated the sustainable reform of the justice sector by supporting the implementation of the legislation to prevent and combat corruption in the justice sector in the Republic of Moldova.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was selected in 2019 by an international mining company to conduct a study of innovative development models being implemented by corporations interested in having a real impact on socioeconomic and development outcomes of the countries in which they operate.
Read MoreIn 2000, Mongolia’s government hired DAI to restore financial soundness to the bank, bring financial services to the rural population, and prepare the bank for privatization. The turnaround was successful on all fronts.
Read MoreDAI helped to improve the performance of Mongolia’s financial sector in serving small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly those that contribute to the mining value chain but whose owners do not have the substantial collateral required to finance their businesses’ growth.
Read MoreDAI supported the Millennium Challenge Corporation in Mongolia by developing policy and planning solutions to address constraints to water access and supply in the vast unplanned settlements surrounding the nation’s capital city.
Read MoreWe devised a strategy to expand and improve financial services in Mongolia that would facilitate the strengthening of select value chains, including in mining, agriculture, construction, and manufacturing.
Read MoreOur project strengthens Montenegro’s transport sector by enhancing institutional capacity, aligning national legislation with EU transport acquis, and advancing the preparation and implementation of priority transport projects.
Read MoreDAI established a facility to promote renewable energies and energy-efficiency related investments in Montenegro.
Read MoreThe Green Economy Financing Facility Morocco II provides financing in the form of senior unsecured loans to participating financial institutions, including banks, microfinance, and leasing companies.
Read MoreThe Morocco Green Value Chains project combines small firm competitiveness concepts with the green economy.
Read MoreDAI worked with the Moroccan Ministry of Economy and Finance to support the design and structuring of the Mohammed VI Fund for Investment (M6FI), embedding the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria.
Read MoreLike with its successful PolSEFF and WebSEFF projects in Poland and the Western Balkans, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in cooperation with in cooperation with the French Agency for Development, European Investment Bank, and KfW Development Bank, extended credit lines to local partner financial institutions in Morocco that then on-lent to their clients.
Read MoreTASHAROC supported inclusive development and reduced political and economic disenfranchisement in the Northern Moroccan region.
Read MoreThe Technical Assistance to Support Social Protection Reform project in Morocco coordinated and monitored social protection reforms; strengthened capacity in social assistance, social insurance, social protection, and health; produced studies to improve the monitoring and evaluation of the reforms; and implemented communication and visibility activities.
Read MoreThe Mozambique Community Resilience Program, known locally as Tuko Pamoja, strengthened locally driven resilience to violent extremism in northern Mozambique.
Read MoreLand administration in Mozambique has been seriously under-resourced, and needed new, modern systems in place to be able to deal with the increasing demands being placed upon it. The principal aim of this support programme to four provinces was to improve the efficiency of the land rights management and registration system.
Read MoreThe Democratic Governance Support Programme, or DIÁLOGO—Diálogo Local para a Boa Governação in Portuguese, contributed to improved governance and accountability for Mozambican citizens in urban municipalities, so that citizens—particularly women and youth—know more, engage more, and vote with confidence in their cities.
Read MoreThe Feed the Future Agricultural Innovations (FTF Inova) project partnered with farmers, businesses, and policymakers to explore ways to improve productivity and increase sales of key cash crops vital to Mozambique’s economy.
Read MoreFinancial Sector Deepening Mozambique (FSDMoç) was a financial inclusion facilitation unit. FSDMoç targeted increased access and improved quality of financial services for 2 million individuals and 650 businesses in Mozambique by 2019.
Read MoreInnovation for Agribusiness increased revenue for small farmers in northern Mozambique by promoting the development of inclusive and sustainable market systems.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was contracted by an international oil and gas company to transform its local content approach in Mozambique to improve community and government relations, expand the positive impact of its oil and gas operations on the local workforce and small enterprises, and drive sustainable socio-economic growth in Mozambique.
Read MoreDAI established and operates an Enterprise Development Center in Mozambique. The center collaborates with the government of Mozambique and the private sector to provide Mozambican enterprises with skills to participate in a variety of growth industries in the country.
Read MoreThe Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Market System (PROMAS) project is creating a more competitive, inclusive, climate-resilient market in northern Mozambique.
Read MoreThe Technical Assistance in Support of Trade and Development in Promove Comércio project works to improve the trade and business environment in Mozambique.
Read MoreNRTP’s objective was to build the capacity and competitiveness of historically disadvantaged Namibian firms in the small and medium sector to enable them to trade and establish linkages with firms in Namibia, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region (for example, Angola, Zambia, and South Africa), and the United States.
Read MoreTayar benefitted more than 716,000 people across the country through its disaster preparedness and response activities, aimed at improving national systems and institutions’ response to all types of natural disasters.
Read MoreThe Nepal in Business (NIB) Program works with Nepali entrepreneurs and policymakers to democratize access to capital in the underdeveloped small and micro-enterprises ecosystem. It provides finance and introduces interventions to enhance SME organizational capabilities and productivity.
Read MorePreparing food for children ages 6-24 months takes a lot of mothers’ time, which is often limited by other responsibilities. In low-income neighborhoods of Kathmandu, Nepal, there is minimal supply of but high demand for processed, affordable, and nutritious weaning foods that incorporate multiple food groups.
Read MoreThe Paani program worked with local and national counterparts to conserve freshwater biodiversity and implement sustainable water management practices in Nepal.
Read MoreAlong with key partner Winrock International, DAI is building the capacity of the Government of Nepal to lead and manage the National Small-Scale Renewable Energy Framework—an overarching vision for the off-grid electricity and clean cooking sector.
Read MoreUdaya leverages innovative financing mechanisms to improve access by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to growth capital and business development services in Koshi Province, Nepal.
Read MoreThe programme helps local governments in Nigeria develop and implement policy by assisting them in tracking and accounting for how policies, plans, and budgets are used in delivering public goods and services to promote growth and reduce poverty.
Read MoreDAI supports the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Nigeria—which works to enhance the credibility of the elections and seeks to boost citizen participation across the country.
Read MoreThe EU Support to Immunisation Governance in Nigeria (EU-SIGN) project improved maternal newborn and child health by protecting children and their mothers from preventable diseases.
Read MoreThe Education Project in Borno State supported the state government’s recovery in the wake of insurgency and provided targeted relief to vulnerable and displaced populations.
Read MoreThe U.K. Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility enhances the management of Nigeria’s infrastructure development towards power sector reform, public-private partnerships, capital spending, and repair and maintenance of federal roads.
Read MoreThe Integrated Approach to Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme supported the Nigerian government in controlling seven neglected tropical diseases—blinding trachoma, bilharzia, elephantiasis, river blindness, hookworm, whipworm, and roundworm. DAI Global Health was responsible for the health systems strengthening workstream.
Read MoreDAI is helping the John Odigie Oyegun Public Service Academy (JOOPSA) to train its public service to deliver high-value services to citizens and accelerate other reforms.
Read MoreDAI is delivering a component of the Partnership for Learning in Nigeria (PLANE), the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth, & Development Office’s flagship education program, which operates in Kano, Kaduna, and Jigawa states.
Read MoreOn behalf of the Gates Foundation, DAI built a database of competent organizations providing services in primary healthcare and policy advocacy and communications.
Read MoreThe Malaria Action Program for States (MAPS) program in Nigeria was a comprehensive program that increased coverage and use of life-saving malaria interventions in support of the Nigeria National Malaria Strategic Plan and the National Malaria Elimination Program.
Read MoreWe supported the establishment of a geographic information system (GIS) unit, then developed a system for improving the collection, management, and analysis of geospatial data to support government decision making in Edo State. We also built the capacity of local staff to help with the planning and monitoring of urban upgrading projects, violence prevention strategies, and other government initiatives.
Read MoreThe Market Development in the Niger Delta (MADE) project, phases I and II, worked in all nine Niger Delta states to promote inclusive, pro-poor growth for farmers and entrepreneurs.
Read MoreDAI assisted the Chevron Corporation with the strategic design of this Nigerian-registered foundation by helping outline a strategy for its Economic Development Program.
Read MoreThe Nigeria Governance and Climate Change program supports coalitions to influence governments in resolving climate and governance problems affecting the poorest and vulnerable communities. It facilitates new coalitions to address governance barriers, providing targeted, politically informed assistance to strengthen government systems and support citizen empowerment and accountability.
Read MoreThe Partnership for Learning for All in Nigeria (PLANE) project is delivering a more inclusive and effective education system and improving learning outcomes for students in their pre-primary and primary years.
Read MoreCovering a population of approximately 19 million in four states of Northern Nigeria, the Partnership for Reviving Routine Immunization in Northern Nigeria / Maternal Newborn and Child Health programme (PRRINN/MNCH) combined health systems strengthening with routine immunization and maternal, newborn, and child health interventions.
Read MoreThe Partnership for Transforming Health Systems 1 in Nigeria supported local initiatives to strengthen government stewardship in health policy, planning, and financing to improve management in public health.
Read MoreThis two-year pilot was designed as an implementation research initiative, and aimed to generate evidence in support of an appropriately funded maternal health emergency transport policy in Nigeria.
Read MoreThe Policy Development Facility Bridge programme provided near-term technical assistance to champions of reform in Nigeria’s government—supporting accelerated economic reforms, a more modern and efficient public sector, and better delivery of policy, public goods, and services, and ultimately contributing to inclusive growth and poverty reduction.
Read MoreThe Policy Development Facility was a flexible, rapid-response facility designed to support those “champions of change” who are driving economic and social policies that reduce poverty in Nigeria, primarily ministers at the federal level. The Facility helped to build their capacity and provide a more robust evidence base to pursue vital pro-poor economic and social reforms.
Read MoreThe Policy Development Facility II was a flexible, rapid-response facility that supported “champions of change”—primarily federal ministers, but also other high-level government officials such as the Office of the Vice President—to implement economic and social policies that further reduce poverty in Nigeria.
Read MoreThe REFORMS program improved the policy environment and addressed major impediments to economic growth in Nigeria.
Read MoreThe former U.K. Department for International Development (now called Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office) launched the State Partnership for Accountability, Responsiveness, and Capability to support the Nigerian government in better managing resources and providing more responsive and accountable services.
Read MoreAs part of the Nigeria’s ongoing democratisation, the State and Local Government Programme sought to increase and improvement the interaction between citizens and state governments.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) provided strategic advisory services to Chevron’s Partnerships Initiative in the Niger Delta (PIND) Foundation to support it in developing a strategy for its next funding cycle.
Read MoreThis project developed a strategic and business plan for the African University of Science and Technology.
Read MoreThe Support to the Nigeria Malaria Elimination Program (SUNMAP) strengthened Nigerian government management capacity by streamlining policy development, planning and coordination of malaria control activities in 10 states.
Read MoreDAI conducted a subnational tax administration diagnostic assessment in Borno State, Nigeria.
Read MoreThe Technical Assistance Hub (TA Hub) is an independent nonprofit organization that coordinates the delivery of comprehensive technical assistance and institutional strengthening support to state governments in Nigeria.
Read MoreThis EuropeAid programme assisted Yobe state in Nigeria to build upon the significant progress made so far in fiscal transparency and discipline, by finding ways to broaden the fiscal space sustainably, while ensuring improved delivery of citizen-demanded public goods and services.
Read MoreThe Niger Delta Partnership Initiative Foundation (NDPI)’s 2016 Electricity Value Chain Study is the culmination of three years of work between DAI and NDPI/Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND).
Read MoreThe Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Reform Programme Phase III in Nigeria contributed to poverty reduction, sustainable development, and to the achievement of the water and sanitation-related Millennium Development Goals.
Read MoreWCP assisted forward-looking Nigerian states and utilities in improving water security governance and service delivery. DAI supported Development Innovations Group in the implementation of WCP through data collection and analysis, monitoring and evaluation, and institutional capacity building.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was contracted by the Niger Delta Partnership Initiative to conduct a workforce assessment and develop a program design for the program Identifying Pathways to Employment for Youth in the Niger Delta.
Read MoreThe Youth-Powered Ecosystem to Advance Urban Adolescent Health and Well-Being program empowered young Nigerians to think about their futures differently and access the skills, social capital, and resources needed to realize their aspirations.
Read MoreZIFAS increased the coverage and quality of antenatal care using low dose IFAS to reduce pregnancy related illnesses and deaths resulting from anaemia in pregnancy in Nigeria.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) completed a rapid desktop benchmarking study comparing social investment spend and initiatives across seven major oil and gas companies in Oman.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group designed and implemented a flagship social investment initiative for a large Omani conglomerate.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) created an in-country value (ICV) demand and supply analysis for an oil and gas project in Oman using both qualitative and quantitative analyses.
Read MoreIn 2019 DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) conducted a five-month in-country value (ICV) assessment to inform an international oil and gas company’s early-stage planning for their proposed petrochemical plant in Oman.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) led Petroleum Development Oman’s (PDO) effort to develop a National Cross-Sector ICV Strategy.
Read MoreDAI is delivering the first two phases of the Climate Finance Accelerator activities in Pakistan, including a scoping exercise to map Pakistan’s climate finance landscape.
Read MoreThe Consolidating Democracy in Pakistan programme increased the capacity, accountability, and responsiveness of Pakistan’s political institutions—particularly focused on engaging women, youth, people with disabilities, and ethnic and religious minorities.
Read MoreDARE (Data and Research in Education) aims to improve Pakistan’s education data infrastructure and enhance coordination in the sector between the country’s federal and provincial governments.
Read MoreIlm Ideas in Pakistan contributed to increased enrollment rates and retention, improved learning outcomes, enhanced parent and student satisfaction, and better education governance.
Read MoreThe Enhanced Democratic Accountability and Civic Engagement (EDACE) programme made short-term, high-impact grants to improve rights awareness, citizen engagement, access to justice, and provision of security services to ensure that Pakistani citizen rights and democratic processes are strengthened at provincial and local levels.
Read MoreFATA CBP supported efforts to build civilian-military cooperation in the tribal areas of Pakistan.
Read MoreThe Community Driven Local Development Programme worked to restore community trust in the local government and build government responsiveness in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.
Read MoreThe Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governance Program assisted the provincial government and civil society organizations to improve local government service and better serve citizens.
Read MoreThrough PLSP, DAI worked with national and provincial legislatures to strengthen parliamentary institutions and processes. The program’s focus was on improving the capacity of the legislatures in their representation, law making, oversight/accountability, and infrastructure/management activities.
Read MorePREIA increased Pakistan’s access to regional and international markets and is a key economic growth project that stands to benefit numerous Pakistani businesses.
Read MoreThe Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme in Balochistan, Pakistan, supported the federal government in reducing the negative impact of poverty and social inequality.
Read MoreThe Transforming Education in Pakistan (TEP) programme managed a public advocacy campaign in Pakistan to ensure that parents and civil society groups support quality education.
Read MoreIn the West Bank and Gaza, periods of relative political stability have witnessed significant economic growth and employment generation, while times of violence have resulted in recession and hardship for many households. The Palestinian private sector is now poised to assume its role as a driver for economic development, employment, and growth.
Read MoreImplemented on behalf of the Palestinian Ministry of Finance and Planning, the Finance for Jobs series of projects address constraints to job growth in the West Bank and Gaza by developing financing instruments to promote business investment and job creation.
Read MoreThe Innovative Private Sector Development (IPSD) project develops entrepreneurship and expands economic opportunity in the Palestinian Territories.
Read MoreOur technical assistance team is working with European partners in the identification and formulation of an evidence-based, cross-cutting programme that promotes the rule of law and protects human rights for all Palestinians.
Read MoreAgriculture contributes 27 percent of all Palestinian private sector output, making it a key sector for the economy. Olive oil production is of particular significance: olive trees comprise 45 percent of the total plant production in the West Bank and the annual income generated by olives and olive products is more than 20 percent of the overall national agricultural output.
Read MoreThe Palestine Enterprise Development project represented a critical phase of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s investment to support a viable market economy in Palestine.
Read MorePMDP improved market systems and the competitiveness of the Palestinian private sector.
Read MoreThe BAYAN project (named after the Arabic word for exposition) worked closely with leading Palestinian civil society organizations to build their capacity to oversee the legislature, analyze information, and lead information and advocacy campaigns.
Read MoreTechStart builds the capacity of Palestinian firms, strengthens demand from international buyers and investors, and stimulates the absorption of high-tech knowledge in the ecosystem.
Read MoreDAI worked with key Palestinian sectors to better compete in regional and global markets. Targeted sectors in the West Bank and Gaza included agribusiness, tourism, information and communications technology, stone and marble, fishing, and garments.
Read MoreDAI provides technical assistance for Institutional Strengthening of National Entities for Environmental and Forestry Governance in Paraguay. This initiative aims to enhance sustainable forest management and promote a green and resilient economy.
Read MoreThe Addressing Biodiversity-Social Conflict in Latin America project worked to create conditions that enable local people to drive conflict resolution in Peru and Colombia. The project worked to lay a foundation for key actors to address the causes of this conflict and lead transformative changes that reduce negative impacts to both vulnerable communities and the environment.
Read MoreThis project strengthened control of the licit coca market, strengthened control of precursor chemicals used in processing coca into coca paste and cocaine, and strengthened enforcement of money laundering controls.
Read MorePeru Prevent helped Peruvian institutions and actors more effectively manage the country’s natural resources for future generations.
Read MoreThe Municipal Waste Recycling Project worked in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam and provided grants and technical assistance to waste recycling programs, with a particular focus on improving waste management practices and reducing plastics pollution in marine environments.
Read MoreDAI supported the Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) Bank in the creation of a small business bank (SBB). The CARD foundation was established in 1986 to address rural poverty by providing banking services to landless rural women in the Philippines.
Read MoreThis project assisted six conflict-affected areas in Mindanao, Philippines: Cotabato City, Marawi City, Zamboanga City, Isabela City, Southern Basilan, Jolo, and surrounding environs.
Read MoreEcoGov2 supported two important trends in the Philippines: the move toward integrated resource management, which addressed linkages and resolved conflicts between upland and coastal resources, and the move toward decentralization, which empowered local governments and communities to play bigger roles in managing their natural resources.
Read MoreThis project promoted optimization of public expenditures through results-oriented budgeting and fiscal transparency, eliminating ineffective spending in favor of high-impact programs and public investment in infrastructure, education, technology, and other areas.
Read MoreImplemented by the DAI/Nathan Group, the Local Implementation of National Competitiveness for Economic Growth (LINC-EG) project promoted local and national economic competitiveness to improve prospects for economic growth and fiscal sustainability in the Philippines.
Read MoreProtect was a multi-pronged program in the Philippines that worked to conserve biodiversity, protect wildlife, and sustain ecosystem services in ways that also improved the local population’s livelihoods and long-term well-being.
Read MoreThe Philippines Safe Water activity provides local government units, water service providers, and watershed councils with the information, incentives, and partnerships they require to identify and address barriers to a water-secure future.
Read MoreThis two-year project addressed supply and demand constraints to broaden adoption of mobile money in the Philippines while promoting global knowledge sharing.
Read MoreThe Philippines Water Revolving Fund, the only water revolving fund outside the United States and Europe, leveraged overseas development assistance with local private funds using a blended finance arrangement between the Philippine government and private banks.
Read MoreWe created a perpetual market for investments in efficient energy by Poland’s local businesses by training financial institutions on how to appraise and finance sensible energy projects; detailing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) the competitive advantages of investing in energy-efficient materials and equipment; and training local experts to assist SMEs in identifying and preparing technically feasible, bankable projects.
Read MorePoland REFF created a program of targeted loans to incentivize borrowing for household improvements that increase efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
Read MoreDAI is supporting a regional approach to support the transition towards sustainable, low-carbon, and climate-resilient development in the Southern Mediterranean, specifically Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia.
Read MoreThe EU-GCC Dialogue on Economic Diversification II project aims to enhance economic, trade, and investment cooperation between the EU and Gulf regions. By focusing on innovation-driven industries, the project leverages the EU’s expertise to support the Gulf Cooperation Council’s diversification goals.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) prepared a presentation of analysis to support EcoMicro’s application to the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) for investment funds to complement EcoMicro projects that are developing and piloting mitigation finance for renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.
Read MoreFSG Plus supports BII in addressing two pressing priorities—i) inclusion and ii) climate and environmental sustainability—by catalyzing sustainable practice change in financial institutions.
Read MoreDAI is training staff at HDC+, a regional advocacy and technical assistance hub that contributes to increasing government commitment, funding, and accountability to developing human capital across the continent.
Read MoreThe Sustainable Business Group (SBG) conducted a Local Content Regime Analysis (LCRA) in seven countries and provided a comparative analysis of the impacts of local content regimes.
Read MoreThe MED Dialogue For Rights and Equality II, Civil Society Facility South project works to increase the capacity of young civil society actors as key partners in designing and implementing policies and programs that address the region’s developmental challenges.
Read MoreTackling Illicit Financial Flows in Latin America (TIFF) works with a number of state institutions, providing expert assistance to enhance countries’ strategies and responses to illicit financial flows and associated corruption.
Read MoreDAI’s work aims to reinforce the safety and security in the maritime domain in the Gulf of Guinea in the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) Region.
Read MoreOur project supported the SWAIMS programme to improve maritime security and safety in the Gulf of Guinea. We strengthened governance and law enforcement frameworks against maritime crimes, operational capacities, and response by law enforcement.
Read MoreDAI helped create policies and procedures for SME lending and trained Bank Leumi Romania staff in SME lending methodology and supported management in implementing this lending program in at least 18 branches. Two long-term experts, permanently based at the bank, were supported in this task by short-term experts on marketing and credit scoring.
Read MoreDAI was contracted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to help Volksbank Leasing in Romania expand its leasing operations for the small- and medium-sized enterprise segment.
Read MoreWorking for the Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States program, three DAI projects helped Russia improve public sector operations.
Read MoreStarting in September 2001, the Microfinance Sector Support Program promoted this deepening by creating a Russian best-practice microfinance center to support the industry.
Read MoreDAI was hired to assist Russia’s NBD, a bank focused on the micro, small, and medium enterprise sector, in its efforts to ensure that the appropriate institutional structures were put in place to enable the bank to grow and achieve its business objectives to expand into new regions and to attract a strategic investor.
Read MoreDAI strengthened institutional and human capacity in targeted government institutions and civil society organizations in Rwanda.
Read MoreThe Nguriza Nshore Activity worked to crowd in finance (debt and equity) for small firms that are not yet realizing the benefits of Rwanda’s strong economic performance, thereby driving economic growth and fueling non-farm rural employment for the next generation.
Read MoreThe Rwanda Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) is a component of the Strengthening Public Financial Management and Revenue Collection (SPARC) program, which aims to support the Government of Rwanda on a range of priorities across the public sector policy-making agenda.
Read MoreThe project supported the Rwanda Development Board’s efforts to improve overall management of the National Park and helped local communities and the private sector engage in ecotourism activities and thereby gain tangible financial benefits from biodiversity conservation efforts in the area.
Read MoreThe Land Tenure Regularisation (LTR) programme in Rwanda set as a goal the issuance of registered title to every landholder in the country. Prior to the project, we had laid the groundwork for an innovative approach to registration. Between 2005 and 2009, we developed and tested a feasible approach to LTR, which lead to the Strategic Road Map for Land Tenure Reform.
Read MoreThe European Union is supporting the Government of Rwanda to modernize agriculture through a number of projects and funding models. DAI provides project monitoring and management support to the National Agricultural Export Development Board.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) worked with an international oil and gas company to collaboratively scope and design a major social investment program for Sao Tome and Principe, focused on promoting youth entrepreneurship and innovation.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was hired to support an international oil and gas company to validate and implement its education project in Sao Tome and Principe.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) provided recommendations for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s National Industrial Development and Logistics Program implementation of local content key performance indicators and definition.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was contracted by an international oil and gas company to conduct an industrial baseline study across Senegal and Mauritania.
Read MoreContracted by an international oil and gas company, DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) scoped and designed a corporate social investment project to address the issue of solid waste pollution in Saint-Louis, Senegal.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) provided expert advisory services to support an international oil and gas company’s local content initiatives in Senegal’s oil and gas sector through an industrial baseline study, strategic planning, and the development of procurement strategies.
Read MoreDAI has designed and launched a new KIC program to support local innovation and entrepreneurship while meeting the unique needs of communities in Senegal.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was hired by an international oil and gas company active in Senegal to develop a comprehensive approach to integrating local content into the company’s tendering process for major contracts.
Read MoreIn July 2019, DAI’s Sustainable Business Group was selected to develop a 10-year Operational Business Plan for Senegal’s recently created Institut National du Pétrole et du Gaz (INPG).
Read MoreAligning the legal and administrative systems of candidate countries with EU law is a complex. The primary objective of this initiative is to assist Serbia to align its climate policies with EU Negotiating Positions, which is crucial to a smooth EU accession process.
Read MoreThe State Matura Project prepared the education system and the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development to implement new final examinations at the end of secondary education in the Republic of Serbia.
Read MoreThe fall of Milosevic opened new possibilities for a Serbia long isolated from democratic states in the region and the wider international community. However, the departure of Milosevic did not signal the complete transformation of the system of governance.
Read MoreDAI worked with Metals Banka to incorporate high-quality lending as an integral part of its ongoing business activities.
Read MoreThe Preparation of Second Energy Efficiency Action Plan and Development of Energy Indicators project assisted the Serbian Ministry of Energy, Development, and Environment by creating an action plan and building capacities to advance energy-saving and energy-efficiency measures that will help reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.
Read MoreThe Preparedness, Planning, and Economic Security project increased stability by working on three fronts: building the capacity of vulnerable communities to prepare for crises and natural disasters, helping small businesses grow and expand into new markets within and beyond Serbia, and working to empower Serbian youth.
Read MoreThe Serbian Agribusiness Project built on current and past USAID programs to help the Serbian agricultural sector transform into an increasingly efficient and competitive sector that is broad-based and integrates producers from all regions of the country into the agricultural economy.
Read MoreThis project contributed to the security of supply, a more competitive energy market, and sustainable energy development in Serbia.
Read MoreTrade Ready Serbia strengthened the capacity of small businesses to access trade finance and stimulated local banks to offer trade finance products that will help support economic growth and job creation.
Read MoreThe Access to Security and Justice Programme worked with the government of Sierra Leone to consolidate peace and stability by increasing access to responsive, accountable, and effective security and justice services, especially for the poor, vulnerable, and those living in remote and marginalized areas.
Read MoreDAI improved the quality, quantity, and impact of public sector auditing through support to the Sierra Leonean Auditor General’s Office, the Public Accounts Committee, civil society groups, and the media.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group works with the Sierra Leone Local Content Agency on an online portal and scorecard system to simplify and assure standardization in the way in which companies report their local content performance data.
Read MoreWe are supporting decentralization in Sierra Leone by empowering local authorities as well as local and rural civil society groups in selected districts to plan and implement initiatives of service delivery.
Read MoreOur team works to consolidate past reforms in the areas of electoral support, parliamentary strengthening, and civil service reform within the new electoral cycle in Sierra Leone.
Read MoreDAI was contracted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to improve small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) financing methodologies at CAC Leasing and help develop a new credit scoring model.
Read MoreOTP Banka Slovensko is an institution that has historically focused on corporate lending. In 2005, the bank looked to diversify its portfolio and decided to incorporate small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) lending into its strategy. DAI was asked to redesign the analysis and approval process to meet the realities of the SME sector.
Read MoreHaving identified a need to deepen small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) credit markets in Slovenia, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development undertook this project with the aim of building financial intermediaries’ confidence and capacity to assess risks and extend financing to Slovenian SMEs. DAI was contracted to design an appropriate lending methodology to allow Volksbank to substantially increase its SME lending activities.
Read MoreThe EU Support to Policy Dialogue on Investment Climate in Somalia project enhanced the investment climate and business environment by improving access to finance, markets, and essential services for medium, small, and micro-enterprises.
Read MoreThe USAID Partnership for Economic Growth program worked with local authorities and private sector groups to improve the enabling environment for investment and generate more productive employment and incomes.
Read MoreThe Promoting Inclusive Markets in Somalia programme addressed critical market constraints in Somalia largely through co-investment with Somali firms, stimulated the creation of long-term jobs, increased smallholder incomes, and leveraged private sector investment.
Read MoreTo help address barriers and boost economic growth, the World Bank launched the Somali Business Catalytic Fund (SBCF) to invest in the establishment and expansion of profitable small and medium enterprises. Over its life, the SBCF disbursed more than $5.2 million in grant funding in the Somaliland, Puntland, and Mogadishu regions.
Read MoreThe Technical Assistance Facility supported the development and implementation of a long-term strategy to build up a sustainable national system of social protection in Somalia.
Read MoreThrough the Technical Assistance and Partnership Facility, the EU seeks to lay the foundation for sustainable development and stability, in alignment with the Somalia National Development Plan.
Read MoreThis U.S. Agency for International Development-funded program worked to increase the visibility of, and confidence in, the government of Somalia by improving government service delivery.
Read MoreBusiness Leadership South Africa (BLSA) commissioned DAI to conduct a study of a small sample of BLSA members to identify potential opportunities for increasing local procurement.
Read MoreWe assisted the South Africa National Department of Health as it transformed its Office of Standards Compliance into an independent public agency, the Office of Health Standards and Compliance.
Read MoreFollowing a 2001 review of provincial service delivery systems and realizing the challenges related to the planning and management of public sector infrastructure delivery, the South African government introduced the Infrastructure Delivery Improvement Programme (IDIP), a capacity-building program designed to enhance infrastructure delivery. DAI was involved in the design and initial implementation of the program.
Read MoreWith the South Africa International Business Linkages II program (SAIBL II), an enterprise development and business linkages project, we worked to reverse the damage done to black-owned business during apartheid through training, technical assistance, and linking businesses.
Read MoreThis International Finance Corporation (IFC)-funded project worked to bring economic development and wealth to the local community by training local small and medium enterprises in the South African community where mining company Lonmin works.
Read MoreThis project in South Africa worked to reduce poverty through increased local investment and strong business partnerships between commercial investors and communities that historically had been excluded from the mainstream local economy. In 2001, the South African government identified 13 rural poverty “nodes,” areas where it wants to stimulate economic growth and employment opportunity.
Read MoreThis project increased the number of local suppliers of fresh produce in South Africa to Massmart, a subsidiary of Walmart, in concert with the country’s black economic empowerment policy. It assisted farmers and cooperatives with the informed farm- and market-level support they need to link to Massmart’s fresh produce supply chain.
Read MoreDAI developed a long-term strategy—named Vision 2030—to guide the Sishen Iron Ore Company Community Development Trust’s decisions during the next 20 years.
Read MoreDuring the 2010 World Cup, all eyes were on South African football—locally, regionally, and around the world. The South African Football Players Union (SAFPU) recognized the seriousness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and its impact on the football fraternity, and the community at large, and supported national efforts to reduce the spread of the disease, minimize its impact, and raise awareness around the issue of HIV/AIDS.
Read MoreThe Technical Assistance for the EU-South Africa Dialogue Facility works to enable the strategic partnership that has existed between the European Union and South Africa since 2007.
Read MoreE4E supports the South African government’s efforts in improving the quality of basic education, vocational training, and job placement services from early childhood through teenage years.
Read MoreDAI assisted the NSG in fulfilling its mandate. Our intervention strengthened the NSG as a training institution, rolled out three training programmes (Breaking Barriers to Entry, Compulsory Induction, and Reorientation), and strengthened the network and collaborations of the NSG to create new opportunities for the school and its beneficiaries.
Read MoreSouth Africa’s Department of Trade and Industry-commissioned Black Business Supplier Development Programme (BBSDP) was a capacity-building program to address the constraints that many black-owned small enterprises faced in participating in the mainstream economy.
Read MoreUnder apartheid, most South Africans were restricted from traveling freely, owning land, or making investments in areas of their choice. The result: an undeveloped culture of tourism and a lack of appreciation of the economic opportunities presented by tourism.
Read MoreThe EU Public Diplomacy and Outreach project worked to deepen the political, economic, and cultural relationships of the European Union with the SAARC region, which includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
Read MoreC-CAP built the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities to withstand more intense and frequent weather events and ecosystem degradation in the short term, and sea level rise in the long term. We improved coastal zone management and water resource management capacity and strengthened disaster management.
Read MoreThe Health Pooled Fund, supported by multiple donors, focused on successfully strengthening health systems and delivering essential health services in South Sudan.
Read MoreThe Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) sought to promote equitable and sustainable human development in Southeast Asia through improved governance and regional security for its population of more than 600 million people. The ASEAN-U.S. Partnership for Good Governance, Equitable, and Sustainable Development and Security (PROGRESS) focused on strengthening institutions to advance ASEAN’s vision.
Read MorePROSPECT helped the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) define joint measures to address transnational challenges, strengthened ASEAN’s people-to-people engagement, and elevated rights and opportunities for women and other vulnerable groups.
Read MorePartnered with the U.S. Department of Labor, the Addressing Labor Exploitation in Fishing in ASEAN (ALFA) project supports regional governments in building the capacity to coordinate and collaborate across its members to mitigate forced labor and promote responsible labor practices in the fishing industry.
Read MoreDAI helped Social & Scientific Systems (SSS) establish on-the-ground operations in Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
Read MoreThe Mekong ARCC project bridged the knowledge gap between high-level science and local responses to help communities become more resilient. We assisted select rural communities to strengthen their adaptation capacity in the face of climate change risks to water resources, agricultural systems, biodiversity, ecosystems, and livelihood opportunities.
Read MoreThe Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) commissioned DAI to advise on how to integrate cost-benefit analysis into the SDC’s programming in Southern Africa.
Read MoreDAI was commissioned by TradeMark Southern Africa to conduct an independent evaluation of retailer Freshmark’s project helping 200 small-scale farmers in Southern Africa meet the retailer’s minimum food safety and quality standards, with the aim of improving the relationship between the retailer and its suppliers.
Read MoreComMark was designed specifically to facilitate the development and improved operation of commodity and service markets for the benefit of poor people in Southern Africa.
Read MoreBancABC is a pan-African financial services group that operates in five countries: Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. DAI helped BancABC build efficient and profitable operations that increased financial intermediation.
Read MoreThe Trade Forward Southern Africa programme supported trade growth, improved gender equality in the trade arena, and alleviated poverty across Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, and South Africa.
Read MoreThe USAID Southern Africa Trade and Investment Hub engaged with partners across Southern Africa to deepen regional economic integration, promote two-way trade with the United States under the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and attract investment that drives commercial expansion within the region and globally.
Read MoreThe U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Reintegration and Stabilization in the East and North (RISEN) program implemented a wide range of conflict prevention and mitigation measures to create and promote stability.
Read MoreThe Strengthening Democratic Governance and Accountability Project worked to strengthen public accountability systems; improved planning, communication, policy reform, and implementation; and increased the participation of women and under-represented groups in Sri Lanka.
Read MoreFunded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Sri Lanka Transition Initiatives (SLTI) built support for the peace process among Sri Lanka’s citizens and increased collaboration among diverse groups to address local needs.
Read MoreDAI managed small grant activities to strengthen Sudan’s transition to democratic and civilian rule, and and worked to improve stakeholder understanding and implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of 2005.
Read MoreOn behalf of Staatsolie, Suriname’s state-owned oil and gas company, DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) used its Industrial Baseline Study methodology to assess local supplier competitiveness across 45 supply chain categories.
Read MoreWe supported the Swaziland Ministry of Health in the implementation of the government’s institutional and management reform initiatives.
Read MoreThis project’s main objective was to implement credit scoring in selected banks and non-bank microfinance institutions in Tajikistan. Credit scoring is a tool that helps participating institutions improve loan decision efficiency and quality, which can help to lower operating costs and reduce loan losses.
Read MoreWe supported the Ministry of Education and Science in Tajikistan in improving services related to teacher training, learning assessment, financial planning, and monitoring.
Read MoreSPFM strengthened the Tajikistan Parliament’s ability to fulfil its oversight responsibilities more effectively, efficiently, and accountably with regard to the management of public finances.
Read MoreThe USAID Family Farming Program (FFP), under the Feed the Future initiative, worked to reduce poverty in Tajikistan through improved nutrition and inclusive agricultural growth in 12 target districts in Khatlon province.
Read MoreDAI worked in the Mtwara region of Tanzania to analyze the demand and supply for local suppliers in key supply chains in the gas industry, partnering with ExxonMobil, British Gas, and Statoil.
Read MoreIMARISHA, which means “strengthening” in Swahili, was a four-year program funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to strengthen economic activities.
Read MoreThe Feed the Future Tanzania Advancing Youth activity helped young people ages 15 to 29 in Tanzania to enhance their employability, business savvy, leadership skills, and participation in civic life.
Read MoreThe Land Tenure Assistance activity pioneered a low-cost, participatory land registration system that works at the local level, enabling smallholder landowners to secure their property rights.
Read MoreThe Green and Smart Cities SASA project is a Team Europe Initiative that enhances the quality of life for Tanzanians by supporting green infrastructure investments, local economic growth and development, disaster risk reduction and preparedness, and improved public service delivery.
Read MoreThe Tanzania ICT Partnership: 5G/6G Frameworks and Cyber Security Capacity project supported the U.S. Embassy in building Tanzania’s capacity to embrace international best practices and standards that advance an open, interoperable, and secure internet; defend against authoritarian practices; and catalyze investments in goods and services related to information and communications technologies.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was contracted by the Oil and Gas Association of Tanzania (OGAT) to complete a Local Content Benchmarking Study and subsequent Local Content Advisory.
Read MoreThe fourth phase of the Business Sector Programme Support (BSPS IV) had three components—Agricultural Markets Development, Improved Business Climate, and Access to Finance—and six subcomponents.
Read MoreDAI began working in August 1999 to transform the National Microfinance Bank (NMB), a troubled state-owned savings bank in one of the world’s poorest countries, into a profitable commercial bank providing a full range of services to poor and middle-income customers. We focused on growing the bank’s revenue base while instituting operational improvements to create a foundation for institutional strength.
Read MoreActive in six regions that account for a third of Tanzania’s population, the Private Enterprise Support Activities (PESA) project focused on association development, encouraging farmers to form producer associations or to strengthen existing groups that pool resources and improve their sales position.
Read MoreOur team promoted cooperation between civil society and agencies of the Royal Thai Government to strengthen the role of community organizations, facilitate constructive public dialogue, and promote citizen engagement in efforts to improve local governance.
Read MoreThrough the State Building Contract 1 Complementary Support programme, DAI promoted inclusive growth and improved governance in The Gambia.
Read MoreDeveloping Agricultural Communities (DAC) and its predecessor, the Dezenvolve Setor Privadu project (2006–2010), engaged more than 450 farmers in greenhouse and outdoor vegetable production and helped build a stronger fresh produce value chain.
Read MoreThe Teaching and Leading the Next Generation of Timorese (TALENT) project works to improve the quality of teaching and school leadership in Timor-Leste’s secondary schools.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was contracted by the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago to conduct a quantitative study to measure the value addition of the country’s energy sector beyond tax revenues and royalties paid to the government.
Read MoreAfter a month of youth-led protests fueled by social and economic pressures, corruption, and political repression, the Tunisian president and several family members fled the country in January 2011, ushering in a wave of political excitement and uncertainty.
Read MoreThe Public Administration Capacity Building program supported the modernization of the Turkmen Public Administration in line with European standards.
Read MoreThis project ensured the resilience of inland waters and terrestrial ecosystems in Türkiye with a specific focus on invasive alien species. It worked to get the species under control in targeted terrestrial areas and inland waters in line with European Union regulations.
Read MoreOur project promotes a transition to a circular economy—contributing to a more efficient resource and waste management across Türkiye.
Read MoreThe project promoted environmentally friendly industrial production and contributed to policy development, leading to a Draft National Action Plan for Determining Türkiye’s Emission Strategy that serves as a roadmap for a green transition and zero pollution by 2053.
Read MoreThe Developing an Analytical Basis for Formulating Strategies and Actions Towards Low Carbon Development programme worked to reduce manmade greenhouse gas emissions by increasing Türkiye’s national and local capacity to prepare for medium and long-term action toward climate-resilient low-carbon development.
Read MoreThe project works to shift from individual transportation to sustainable, accessible, and extensive modes of public transport in Türkiye.
Read MoreDAI worked to improve the legislative and institutional capacities of Türkiye to facilitate the Acquis alignment process in transportation.
Read MoreThis project improved Türkiye’s legal and administrative framework in migration management by establishing a well-functioning migration management system in line with European Union standards.
Read MoreThe Technical Assistance for Capacity Enhancement for Development and Implementation of Smart Specialization Strategies in Türkiye’s Regions (CEDIS3) will strengthen the capacity of national and regional actors to formulate and implement Smart Specialization Strategies.
Read MoreThis project—led by WYG partnered with DAI—aims to achieve measurable progress towards ending discrimination against Roma people and strengthening respect for fundamental rights and freedoms for all individuals, in line with the European Court of Human Rights.
Read MoreBEST for Energy increased Türkiye’s use of alternative energy sources, including renewable sources. The project also supported the country’s renewable energy industry and services to become more internationally competitive.
Read MoreThe Technical Assistance for Improving Job and Vocational Counselling Services project supported the Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR) to fulfil its mandate as the lead provider of public employment services in Türkiye.
Read MoreThis project supported Türkiye’s Training and Research Centre for Labour and Social Security, medical, and rehabilitation professionals by developing new learning modules on occupational health and safety.
Read MoreDAI is strengthening Türkiye’s capacity to prepare European Union-required river basin management plans for six out of the 25 river basins in the country.
Read MoreThis project expands the commercialization and internationalization of cultural and creative industries for İzmir and the region, to strengthen Türkiye’s competitiveness in the global economy.
Read MoreOur project works to reduce the adverse consequences of flood events for human health, environment, cultural heritage, and economic activity through assessment and management of flood risk in Türkiye.
Read MoreFrom 2000 to 2003, DAI managed the Deregulation project in Uganda, designed to improve the regulatory environment for business growth. The second phase of the project (2003 to 2007) focused on creating national capacity for regulatory best practices in Uganda.
Read MoreThis program contributes to a competitive, profitable, job-intensive, gender-responsive, and environmentally sustainable agricultural sector in Uganda.
Read MoreGAPP worked to improve the legal, policy, regulatory, and institutional environment in Uganda to enhance democratic governance and the engagement of citizens with their local governments.
Read MoreDAI Global Health and Montrose International implemented multiple studies to assess the costs and benefits of Results-Based Financing relative to Input-Based Financing in Northern Uganda.
Read MorePRIME/West used three approaches to bring biodiversity conservation/natural resource management, and economic development together into a practical and sustainable model: landscape analysis, community-based natural resource management, and competitiveness.
Read MoreThe Sustainable Market Inclusive Livelihood Pathways to Self-Reliance program (SMILES) seeks to address rural refugee livelihood challenges in Uganda.
Read MoreThe European Bank for Reconstruction and Development contracted DAI in Ukraine to establish a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) lending program and ensure through an institution-building program that Raiffeisenbank Aval’s commitment to SME lending was sustainable.
Read MoreThe EU for Stronger Public Finance Systems of Local Governments project supported the Government of Ukraine to attain sustainable economic and development goals by increasing the efficiency and transparency of the local financial management systems, in line with the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and Ukraine’s Public Finance Management Strategy of 2017–2020.
Read MoreDAI implemented a small and medium-sized enterprise lending scheme at UkrSibbank in Ukraine, with the focus on building the bank’s capacity through training in credit analysis and portfolio management.
Read MoreDAI provides technical assistance to the European Union to ensure the effective, efficient, and transparent management of funds for Ukraine’s reconstruction.
Read MoreThe Financial Sector Transformation Activity supported efforts to reform Ukraine’s nonbank financial institutions.
Read MoreThis EU-funded project aims to enhance Ukraine’s transparency and business climate, facilitating domestic and foreign direct investment in the private sector and more closely integrating Ukraine into the European and global economies.
Read MoreThe Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Activity (Pro-Integrity) program addresses the root causes of corruption and tackles corruption risks at the national institutional level, at the local government level, and in issues related to Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction
Read MoreThis project supports the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine to reform its external audit of budgetary funds in line with the government’s public financial management strategy and action plan.
Read MoreThrough EU-FINREG, DAI assisted the Ukrainian authorities in strengthening the regulatory framework and supervision practices for securities and investment businesses, insurance, pensions, nonbank credit institutions, nonbank payment institutions, and other nonbank financial services.
Read MoreImplementation of EU legislation in Ukraine environmental protection occurs within eight sectors and is governed by 29 sources of law establishing common rules and standards to be reflected in domestic law. This project addresses the relevant laws, specifically addressing waste management and air quality.
Read MoreDAI’s project worked to increase the strategic communications capacity of the Ukrainian Government, with an overall objective of ensuring the public’s awareness and understanding of reform processes throughout the country, and fighting disinformation.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was engaged by a leading U.K.-based retailer of premium foods to be an advisor to its Corporate Social Responsibility team and produce a refreshed strategy and impact measurement framework for its shared value social investment initiative for the company’s fresh produce sourcing in emerging markets.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) was contracted by a leading U.K.-based retailer of premium foods to develop a digital needs assessment that could be used by their supply chain partners to inform on community needs.
Read MoreThe Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth commissioned DAI to help shape, manage, and grow one of its signature initiatives focused on small businesses in the United States.
Read MoreWe supported farmers, agrifirms, processors, and other value chain participants. AgLinks Plus deepened and extended activities from the previous successful project that ran from 2007 to 2011.
Read MoreThe USAID Agricultural Value Chains Activity in Uzbekistan improved the quality and volume of agricultural production and post-harvest handling and production, facilitated market linkages, and linked educational institutions with private sector demand.
Read MoreDAI was contracted to provide An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank (ABB) with a client-driven small and medium enterprise (SME) banking strategy, with a clear objective to become a leading bank serving SMEs in Vietnam.
Read MoreThe Vietnam Competitiveness Initiative was an economic growth project designed to increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam.
Read MoreDAI assisted VF Corporation—one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies—to reduce COVID transmission and safely re-open key supplier factories to employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, while maintaining business continuity.
Read MoreThis partnership between the U.S. Department Of Labor and Vietnamese government—a follow-on to Phase 1 that was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development—provided technical assistance to unions, businesses, and government in strengthening the implementation of labor laws and promoting sound industrial relations.
Read MoreFollowing on the enormous success of STAR I, STAR II (2006–2010) focused on supporting the development of institutional and administrative systems needed to implement the massive legal and regulatory changes that have been promulgated during this period in the areas of trade, commercial dispute settlement, intellectual property rights, foreign direct investment, and transparency and the right to appeal. STAR Plus was flexible and demand-driven, and furthered Vietnam’s integration into the global economy as it continues its transition to a market-driven system.
Read MoreThrough the State Audit of Vietnam (SAV), DAI and the U.K. National Audit Office provided support to the SAV to build capacity in public sector auditing and helped to implement the new State Audit Law.
Read MoreThe EuropeAid project Technical Assistance for the ARISE+ Programme aims to provide technical assistance to the Vietnamese Government to maximise Vietnam’s benefits from preferential trade regimes, with a focus on regional agreements and the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and Investment Protection Agreement.
Read MoreAn estimated 12 million people and families in Vietnam are affected by disabilities. We assisted the Vietnamese to provide more comprehensive care, treatment, and specialized assistance to people with disabilities.
Read MoreThe Vietnam Urban Energy Security project promotes the deployment in urban centers of 400 megawatts worth of advanced distributed energy technologies, ranging from solar panels and storage batteries to energy-efficient vehicles.
Read MoreWeBSEFF I and II provided debt financing to businesses, municipalities, and energy service companies for energy projects undertaken in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Montenegro, and Serbia.
Read MoreDAI helped the European Union to increase the impact, quality, coverage, and sustainability of social transfer schemes that target food and nutrition security.
Read MoreThe Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS) are the most vulnerable countries in the world to the adverse impacts of changes in climate. To tackle these vulnerabilities, OACPS is working with its 79 members to enhance their resilience and preparedness for natural hazard risks.
Read MoreWhen developing-country governments and agencies requested assistance related to these sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) issues, this program allowed the U.S. Agency for International Development and implementing agencies to respond.
Read MoreThe BRIDGE team integrated biodiversity conservation in development initiatives such as climate change adaptation and mitigation, democracy and governance, inclusive economic growth, food security, health, and trade, can create significant benefits for beneficiaries.
Read MoreThe FCDO created the Business Environment Reform Facility (BERF) to provide its country offices with access to expert advice on program design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.
Read MoreThrough this project, DAI facilitated the exchange of knowledge across natural resource management (NRM) communities worldwide.
Read MoreDAI provided professional management services to the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Center for Development Innovation, supporting the utilization of three core principles across the Lab’s activities.
Read MoreThe Centre for Disaster Protection focuses on managing risks relating to disasters, helping countries move from reaction to readiness and plan better for future disasters.
Read MoreDAI is delivering the Climate Ambition Support Alliance Phase 2, CASA2 will provide legal, technical, strategic, diplomatic, and media support to negotiators of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Read MoreThe U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Climate and Ocean Adaptation and Sustainable Transition (COAST) program works to improve vulnerable coastal communities’ resilience to changes in climate and prosperity from a more sustainable use of their marine environment.
Read MoreThe DCA—catalyzing finance and facilitating new financial institution relationships—promoted a sustainable private-sector approach to economic development and growth.
Read MoreDigital Frontiers supports the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Center for Digital Development in identifying the most successful digital solutions and scaling their impact globally.
Read MoreThe Digital Transformation Technical Assistance Facility Framework (DTX TAF) supports financial institutions and agribusiness companies in their digital transformation journey by addressing knowledge opportunities and limitations of their current IT systems, product offerings, and corporate strategy.
Read MoreThe Global NDC Support Facility contributes to the acceleration of the transition towards low-carbon, resource-efficient, and resilient economies in line with the EU Green Deal, Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction, and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Read MoreImplemented by DAI and San Francisco, California-based Origo, this groundbreaking public-private partnership allied venture capital with public funds to mitigate the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
Read MoreEvidence on Demand was a resource service providing high-quality information in the fields of climate, environment, infrastructure, and livelihoods. The information hub provided access to a broad range of documents, learning resources and technical expertise.
Read MoreEACDS is a technical advisory call-down service which provides rapid-response, expert support to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and other U.K. Government agencies and other donors.
Read MoreThe Expert Advisory Call Down Services (EACDS) Lot 4: Climate Change, Nature, and Global Health provides rapid, quality-assured, short-term technical expertise to support the development of U.K. Aid programs.
Read MoreResearch and knowledge conducted under FSKG increased the capacity of donors and U.S. Agency for International Development missions to design and strengthen implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of microfinance projects.
Read MoreFor nearly a decade, DAI worked with the U.S Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Office of Economic Growth to support public finance and broader economic governance reforms in developing, transition, and post-conflict countries, with a focus on how to tax fairly and effectively, forge credible national budgets, spend taxpayer dollars more prudently, and broaden the public-private dialogue on fiscal policy choices.
Read MoreFANTA worked to improve and strengthening nutrition and food security policies, strategies, programs, and systems in Asian, African, and Central American countries.
Read MoreDAI supported the delivery of the Local Adaptation Champions Awards
Read MoreGCBC exists to generate robust new evidence and knowledge on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity that demonstrates the interconnectedness of biodiversity, climate, and people and enables an understanding of policies, programs, and practices that have positive impacts on climate change and poverty reduction.
Read MoreShell invited DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) local content experts Zachary Kaplan and Dorival Bettencourt to deliver two local content modules at the Global Connect event.
Read MoreTo more sustainably invest in the social and economic development of the communities where it operates, Kosmos Energy sought the expertise of DAI in 2015 to offer new approaches to local engagement beyond traditional models of corporate social responsibility.
Read MoreSince 2006, DAI has been called on by USAID to enhance, evaluate, and create public-private partnerships. Two of our projects—Global Development Alliance Strategic Support Program (2006–2011) and Evaluation of the Impact and Effectiveness of Development Alliances (2007–2008)—effectively set the bar for partnership policy and practice at USAID and its missions worldwide.
Read MoreThe Global Evaluation Framework Agreement 2 ensured the provision of efficient and effective expert services for the design and implementation of evaluations.
Read MoreThe Global Evaluation and Monitoring Framework Agreement (GEMFA) is the primary FCDO mechanism for monitoring and evaluation assignments. Lot 4 evaluates assignments valued at less than £600,000 and aims to improve the impact and value for money while supporting the effective delivery of the FCDO’s strategic objectives.
Read MoreGrand Challenges for Development gave people around the world a way to apply their scientific and technological know-how to solving global development problems in areas such as hunger, water, and literacy.
Read MoreThe Green Gateway promotes net zero and climate-resilient financial systems that ultimately will enable the private sector in deploying climate-related and environmentally sustainable investments.
Read MoreOur principal responsibility under this subcontract was to strengthen the governance capacity and accountability mechanisms of partner country health systems.
Read MoreINVEST was a flexible, efficient buy-in mechanism that helped the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) mobilize private capital for development results.
Read MoreDAI provides technical, operational, and professional support services to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of its work to help countries prepare for and respond to emerging health security threats.
Read MoreOur work focuses on the transport sector by supporting actors managing or implementing EU cooperation programmes at the global, regional, and country levels to assess, design, monitor, and evaluate infrastructure interventions.
Read MoreMQSUN+ provided multi-disciplinary, highly qualified expert teams, including nutritionists, economists, statisticians, social economists, and other specialists in key areas such as public health, agriculture and food security, law, social protection, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), education, governance, and gender.
Read MoreDAI managed Microenterprise Results Reporting (MRR) for the U.S. Agency for International Development. With a partner web development firm, we maintained the MRR website, an integrated web-based database to collect and process accurate, timely information from missions and partners on funding, results, and other requirements.
Read MoreNutrition Action for Systemic Change (NASC) provides technical expertise on nutrition and food systems, building on previous achievements funded by the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). NASC supports FCDO to uphold its commitments made at the 2021 Tokyo Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit.
Read MoreDAI carried out a political economy analysis and technical assessment of five transboundary landscapes on behalf of the U.K. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
Read MoreThe P&R project addressed the practical issues confronting national governments as they coped with the human, financial, and logistical constraints associated with pandemic threats.
Read MoreDAI and lead partner Everis provided European Union negotiators with quantitative tools to assess the government procurement markets in Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, and Thailand.
Read MoreDiseases of serious concern are emerging from wildlife populations in regions of the world where humans, wildlife, and livestock are increasingly in contact. RESPOND operated in hotspot regions where conditions are conducive for animal-to-human disease outbreaks.
Read MoreThe Regional Advisory Service provided expert advice on strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, audit and risk management, and governance to five regional organisations in the Pacific, in addition to supporting Australia’s Pacific regional aid program.
Read MoreSatellites photograph the world, providing a world of information. DAI helped use this information to help countries prepare for and mitigate the effects of climate change and natural and manmade disasters.
Read MoreDAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) supported Shell with strengthening existing LiveWIRE programs, designing and launching new country LiveWIRE programs, developing training programs for early-stage entrepreneurs, and identifying opportunities for successful entrepreneurs to connect with Shell’s local value chain and relevant local markets.
Read MoreDAI provided technical assistance primarily to developing-country governments to help them make informed decisions and draft national biosafety frameworks in line with their international obligations.
Read MoreThe Social Protection Technical Assistance, Advice, and Resources (STAAR) Facility is dedicated to expanding and improving the effectiveness of investments in social protection and social protection approaches in crises.
Read MoreThe STOP AI project provided technical resources and support services in preparedness planning, surveillance, and prevention; outbreak response; and re-infection prevention and recovery.
Read MoreThe DAI/Nathan Group (DNG), a joint venture between DAI and Nathan Associates, provided assistance in assessing and prioritizing trade capacity needs for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Washington and USAID regional and country missions.
Read MoreThe Support the Secretariat of the GCoM for Climate and Energy project develops, monitors, and leads climate and sustainable energy action and diplomacy globally through the local level, supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, and other United Nations’ initiatives on climate adaptation and cities.
Read MoreWe support the European Commission’s headquarters, EU delegations, and partner countries to deliver the Global Gateway strategy and operate a demand-driven technical assistance facility in close coordination with Directorate-General for International Partnerships and Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations.
Read MoreThe Technical Assistance to Strengthen Capabilities (TASC) Project contributed to improved nutritional outcomes as part of the UKaid-funded Technical Assistance for Nutrition programme.
Read MoreAs part of the Astrale group of nine European partners, we supported the LIFE III Environment Programme from 2001 to 2005 and we have been supporting the whole LIFE III and LIFE + Programmes since 2005, in our role as the External Assistance Team.
Read MoreThe Trade, Private Sector Development, and Engagement Facility helps shape and implement new policies related to Aid for Trade and regional integration programmes.
Read MoreDAI performed evaluations of WFP’s portfolio of programs in Central America, Chad, Haiti, Yemen, Zimbabwe, and Niger to help the organization better implement its food assistance programs.
Read MoreThe first-ever EU Urban Development Technical Facility focuses on supporting partner countries in their urban development challenges.
Read MoreThe WALIS program provides technical, programmatic, administrative, and logistical support to USAID in improving the capacity of African water sectors.
Read MoreThe Support to the National Land Audit project in Zambia supports the design and implementation of the National Land Audit, working with the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development to develop and test audit methodologies that will then be implemented in select districts.
Read MoreWhile quality economic policy research exists within Zambia, the country’s policymakers were not always aware of how to access and use this information to support economic growth. The Zambia—Economic Advocacy Programme (ZEAP) aimed to raise both the quality of research as well as improve how research results are communicated and used for advocacy.
Read MoreWe support Zambia’s aviation sector—strengthening its policy, regulatory, and institutional capacities to improve compliance with international aviation standards, especially in terms of air safety and security oversight.
Read MoreUtilizing the making markets work for the poor (M4P) approach, FSDZ worked to affect systemic change and facilitate linkages and coordination among consumers, financial service providers, government, and other key market actors in Zambia.
Read MoreThe MAMaZ Against Malaria project addressed the lack of access to quality commodities for case management of severe malaria in rural Zambia.
Read MoreThe U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Market Access, Trade, and Enabling Policies (MATEP) project was designed to increase Zambia’s exports of agricultural and natural resource products into regional and international markets.
Read MoreThe Mobilising Access to Maternal Health Services in Zambia (MAMaZ) programme addressed the factors that affect access to maternal, newborn, and child health services.
Read MoreThe award-winning More Mobilising Access to Maternal Health Services in Zambia (MORE MAMaZ) programme empowered rural communities to address the household and community-level barriers preventing women and girls from accessing maternal and newborn health services.
Read MorePEP-Z tackled low productivity and increasing competitiveness in Zambia’s private sector by strengthening the capacity of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). We targeted enterprises with the potential to grow, create jobs, and contribute to the diversification of the Zambian economy.
Read MoreDAI supported a World Bank pilot program by assessing and making recommendations for investment and design of a mobile platform for disseminating market and climate information to farmers in the Kafue and Barotse sub-basins of Zambia.
Read MoreDAI supported a Zambian-led process, built sustained capacity in the Cabinet Office, which has a central role in driving up efficiency and holding line ministries accountable.
Read MoreZambia’s future development will depend significantly on the diversification of the economy. To that end, DAI was commissioned to assess the potential for the diversification of Zambia’s agricultural economy into nontraditional export markets by determining prospects for growth, employment creation, and equitable wealth and income distribution in the sugar, cotton, and coffee sectors.
Read MoreThe Zambia Regulatory Environment Conducive to Business and Investment Project provides technical assistance to support a more inclusive regulatory environment that enables business growth and green investment.
Read MoreThe Zimbabwe Accountability and Citizen Engagement (ZIMACE) program protecst human rights and promotes transparent and accountable governance across Zimbabwe by empowering citizens to hold the state accountable for its use of resources and its respect for human rights and democratic principles.
Read MoreDAI worked through existing institutions and with the re-emerging private sector to identify needed reforms in the investment environment to promote competitiveness in Zimbabwe’s agricultural sector.
Read MoreDAI worked to alleviate poverty for the most disadvantaged members of Zimbabwean society through economically empowering activities such as creation of Business Opportunity Centers that provide information and training to youths, legal assistance in writing wills for HIV/AIDS-affected households, increased outreach of financial services to rural areas, and farmer association development.
Read MoreThe Zimbabwe Agriculture Growth Programme addresses critical weaknesses in the country’s livestock value chains with innovative approaches to strengthening local institutions, building capacity, and promoting policy reforms that improve livelihoods for smallholder farmers.
Read MoreZimbabwe TRACE seeks to design, build, and implement a civil society support programme where the civil society organisations look at government in a less adversarial way and forge relationships to promote constructive dialogue and partnership.
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