Sierra Leone—Accountability Project—Support to the Auditor General’s Office (SLAP)

Client: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Duration: 2004-2008

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Sierra Leone

Solutions: Governance

Sierra Leone has ranked near the bottom of the United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Index for some time. Like other areas of public administration, the Office of the Auditor General was weakened by the civil war, lack of resources, and deterioration of government accountability systems. Weak financial management and information systems, shortages of qualified staff, and a weakened Parliament constrained the office’s ability to act as an independent assessor of government financial activities. In consortium with PKF LLP, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, and the Swedish Institute for Public Administration, DAI improved the quality, quantity, and impact of public sector auditing through support to the Auditor General’s Office, the Public Accounts Committee, civil society groups, and the media.

Select Results

  • Improved audit legislation and the audit framework.
  • Assisted in the development of the Public Accounts Committee.
  • Strengthened human resource capacity and management.
  • Provided audit training.
  • Improved procedures for public sector external audit by developing and testing audit manuals.
  • Strengthened the role of the Audit Office in the national fight against corruption.


Turkmenistan—Public Administration Capacity Building

The Public Administration Capacity Building program supported the modernization of the Turkmen Public Administration in line with European standards.

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