Dominican Republic—Vulnerability Analysis of Coastal Zones

Client: Agence Française de Développement

Duration: 2019-2022

Region: Latin America and the Caribbean

Country: Dominican Republic

Solutions: Environment

DAI and local partner Fundacion Plenitud developed a state-of-the-art assessment of the vulnerability and potential impacts of weather-related events on the coastal systems of the Dominican Republic.

Using GIS technology and engagement from key stakeholders, coastal zones were prioritized. Complementary adaptation measures and concept notes were formulated with objectives of sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism to support the strategy and investments of the Dominican state in the coastal tourism sector in the coming years.

Sample Activities

  • Characterise the vulnerability of coastal and marine zones due to changes in climate.
  • Evaluate current and past adaptation policies.
  • Produce two detailed concept notes and a costed plan.
  • Raise awareness among the public and private sector and civil society on the costs of inaction.


Nepal—Renewable Energy Programme (NREP)

Along with key partner Winrock International, DAI is building the capacity of the Government of Nepal to lead and manage the National Small-Scale Renewable Energy Framework—an overarching vision for the off-grid electricity and clean cooking sector.

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