Ukraine—Support in Approximation of the EU Environmental Acquis

Client: European Union

Duration: 2019-2024

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Ukraine

Solutions: Environment Governance

[Since the Russian invasion in February 2022, DAI’s programs in Ukraine have had to adapt their modes of operation and in some cases their underlying activities and objectives. This project description remains generally accurate but should be read with that caveat in mind.]

Ukraine faces longstanding environmental challenges, including air pollution, a lack of water resources, land degradation, solid waste management, biodiversity loss, human health issues associated with environmental risk factors, and climate change. The unbalanced exploitation of natural resources and low priority placed on environmental issues have made it difficult for the country to achieve sustainable economic development.

To address these challenges, Ukraine is working to stabilize and improve the environment by integrating environmental policies into economic and social development. These policies aim to ensure environmental safety, introduce an environmentally balanced system of resource use, and conserve natural ecosystems.

Ukraine’s ongoing reform agenda is fully aligned with, and facilitated by, the Association Agreement. The agreement provides for a gradual approximation of Ukrainian legislation in accordance with European Union (EU) environmental rules, policies, and standards, and development of sector strategies on air, water quality, waste management, and industrial pollution. The signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU opened up new implementation opportunities for environmental standards. Implementation of EU legislation in Ukraine environmental protection occurs within eight sectors and is governed by 29 sources of law establishing common rules and standards.

The EU-funded Support to Ukraine in Approximation of the EU Environmental Acquis (air quality and waste management) project aims to raise Ukrainian public authorities’ capacities in designing and implementing key reforms stemming from the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area. This includes the capacity to carry out the legal approximation process with the EU.

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Sample Activities

  • Help create and implement air quality and waste management mandates in line with the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.
  • Improve the institutional capacity of authorities at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the Ministry for Regional Development, Building, and Housing.
  • Raise public awareness of environmental issues.
  • Support implementation of the National Waste Management Strategy.

Select Results

  • Assessed environmental losses and drafted recommendations for priority waste streams as part of a pilot activity for EcoThreat, which tracks war-related environmental threats.


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This project ensured the resilience of inland waters and terrestrial ecosystems in Türkiye with a specific focus on invasive alien species. It worked to get the species under control in targeted terrestrial areas and inland waters in line with European Union regulations.

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