Client: U.S. Agency for International Development
Duration: 2011-2014
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Solutions: Economic Growth
Most agricultural transactions undertaken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are by small actors who operate in isolation without the help of reliable institutions, efficiencies, information, and signals. The country lacks critical transport and market infrastructure and supporting systems. The Food Production, Processing, and Marketing (FPPM) Project was the first major economic growth activity for the U.S. Agency for International Development in the DRC since the 2003 end of the civil war. The project helped the DRC achieve food security—both the availability of food and consumers’ ability to purchase it—by improving the production, processing, and marketing of staple foods by smallholders and small and medium-sized enterprises in the provinces surrounding the country’s largest, and by any standard huge, urban market, Kinshasa. Aligned to the Feed the Future Initiative, FPPM improved the availability of productivity-enhancing inputs and services, post-harvest and processing technologies, and transport and marketing services.
Working with producer organizations, public and private partnerships, and other donors and groups, FPPM rehabilitated smallholder access to inputs, services, and markets so that even smallholder farms were able to become income-generating businesses. These businesses learned how to supply rural and urban markets and increased the productivity of all farm labor—notably the 80 percent of the agricultural workforce that is female—building household food security and economic resilience.
The U.K. Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility enhances the management of Nigeria’s infrastructure development towards power sector reform, public-private partnerships, capital spending, and repair and maintenance of federal roads.
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