Poland—Residential Energy Efficiency Financing Facility (Poland REFF)

Client: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Duration: 2016-2023

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Poland

Solutions: Environment Climate

Poland is one of the most energy-intensive economies in Europe and the Polish government identified increased energy efficiency as one of its top priorities when developing the country’s long-term energy policy. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (ERBD) Polish Residential Energy Efficiency Financing Facility (Poland REFF) addressed this goal through a program of targeted loans to incentivize borrowing for household improvements that increase efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

Poland REFF built on the success of the DAI-led Polish Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (PolSEFF), which provided similar energy efficiency financing to small and medium enterprises.

The project facilitated the disbursement of €128 million in sub-loans through local banks in Poland, benefiting a wide range of borrowers. The initiative covered more than 23,000 projects, reducing energy use by 199,497.36 megawatt hours per year, equivalent to the electricity supply for a city of 22,170 inhabitants. The loans also contributed to avoiding emissions of 45,116.69 tons of greenhouse gases annually. PolREFF engineers also developed an Energy Savings Calculator that enables users to estimate their annual savings in kilowatt hours and in Polish zloty.

Sample Activities

  • Promote the facility and support participating banks in their marketing efforts.
  • Develop tools to help prospective borrowers choose appropriate equipment and materials to purchase, such as a List of Recommended Sustainable Energy Technologies and an energy savings calculator.
  • Maintain an advisory helpline for borrowers.
  • Provide capacity building on energy-efficiency financing to participating banks.

Select Results

  • Created a €200 million credit facility to build the market for investments in sustainable energy in the residential sector in Poland.
  • Ensured that financial institutions became familiar with appraising and financing energy efficiency and renewable energy investments in the sector.
  • Increased awareness of potential borrowers of energy and resource-saving benefits.
  • Developed an innovative List of Eligible Materials and Equipment to easily find energy-efficient products and materials, and giving materials suppliers the opportunity to register, bolstering demand for their businesses.
  • Won “Deal of the Year” at the Central and Eastern European Clean Energy Awards.


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