Worldwide—Centre for Disaster Protection

Client: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Duration: 2021-2029

Region: Worldwide

Country: Worldwide

Solutions: Environment

The Centre for Disaster Protection focuses on managing risks relating to disasters, helping countries move from reaction to readiness, and planning better for future disasters.

The Centre works with a wide range of organizations—country governments, development banks, humanitarian agencies, development insurers, private sector actors, research institutions, and nongovernmental groups—to support partner countries to strengthen their pre-disaster planning and financial arrangements so they can respond more rapidly and effectively when a disaster strikes.

Sample Activities:

  • Deliver a respected and widely used quality assurance function that increases the quantity and quality of risk financing products and services.
  • Provide effective technical assistance and training that supports high-risk, vulnerable countries in making better risk management decisions.
  • Drive change through evidence, experimentation, and learning that strengthens the global evidence base on risk financing.
  • Through advocacy, improve the quality and quantity of risk financing provided through the multilateral system.

Select Results

  • Completed the first-ever comprehensive assessment of financial instruments used for pre-arranged disaster financing. The report, Demystifying Pre-Arranged Financing for Governments, seeks to help governments make sense of the instruments and assess their value based on seven critical criteria.


Ethiopia—GCCA+/Climate Smart Mainstreaming into the Productive Safety Net Program (Climate-Smart PSNP)

The Climate-Smart PSNP project is enhancing the design and planning capacities of Ethiopia’s Public Works Coordination Unit and Food Security Coordination Directorate.

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