Client: The Scottish Government
Duration: 2023-2025
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Country: Malawi
Solutions: Economic Growth Climate
Climate justice is a people-centered, human rights-based approach that aims to share the benefits of equitable global development and the burdens of climate change fairly while building trust between countries. It recognizes that the poor and vulnerable are the first to be affected by climate change—exacerbating existing inequalities—and suffer the most, despite having done little or nothing to cause the problem. The approach builds upon three pillars—distributive justice, procedural justice, and transformative justice, and ensures that local understanding and participatory design are central to delivering highly relevant and sustainable programs.
DAI’s Climate Just Communities (CJC) Malawi project forms part of a flagship program under the Scottish Government’s Climate Justice Fund, which uses this approach to support locally led community projects in Malawi, Rwanda, and Zambia. Currently, 92 percent of Malawians rely on rain-fed sources of water, which are heavily impacted by floods and droughts. With rising temperatures around the globe, there is an increased risk of drought and late onset of rains affecting food production in the country. The increase in extreme climate events also leaves vulnerable populations at greater risk from cyclones such as Freddy in 2023 with more than 500,000 people displaced and 500 confirmed deaths. CJC Malawi uses a participatory approach to developing and delivering climate justice interventions that build community resilience to the material and social effects of climate change.
DAI’s delivery partners are IIED, LINK Education, LINK Community Development, Water Witness International, and Water Witness Malawi.
The Technical Assistance Programme to Support Lending Operations to the Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Project (WEDP) works to reduce unemployment in Ethiopia by offering women improved access to a diverse and responsible range of financial products aimed at encouraging income generation and business growth.
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