
Forty-eight years on the frontlines of global development confirm the interconnectedness of development challenges. Our development specialists reach across technical disciplines to shape the integrated development solutions that promise transformational development results.


We help community, business, and government partners translate climate science and global climate policy into locally viable and sustainable solutions.

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DAI Capital

Dedicated to mobilizing and deploying private capital in frontier and emerging markets, DAI Capital is the advisory and investment arm of DAI.

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Digital Acceleration

DAI’s Center for Digital Acceleration builds on DAI’s decades of experience to design and deploy innovative, user-centered digital tools that drive change across emerging markets.

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Economic Growth

Driving trade, technology, agriculture, business, and financial services to create jobs, reduce poverty, and enhance food security.

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Improving learning outcomes for all by strengthening education systems, forging cross-sectoral linkages, and engaging stakeholders.

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Improved management of natural resources and important ecosystem services not only supports economic growth and strengthens resilience to climate change but also can provide the foundation for sustainable development.

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Fragile States

DAI’s Fragile States work builds on our global reputation for innovative post-crisis assistance to support political transition, ensure short-term stability operations, prevent and counter violent extremism (P/CVE), and lay the foundation for long-term development in fragile, crisis-stricken states.

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Global Health

We envision better health systems that foster quality & access; reduce threats; and promote healthier behaviours to improve lives globally.

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Strengthening and improving government performance by providing technical advice, strategic guidance, and support to public institutions, elected bodies, and citizens.

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Sustainable Business

Helping companies put sustainability at the core of their operations and become leaders in responsible business.

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DAI’s Employee Ownership Initiative Wins Prestigious Award

DAI was yesterday named an award winner at the 17th annual conference of the Global Equity Organization (GEO), a professional membership organization dedicated to advancing understanding of employee share plans. DAI won in a new award category, Best Use of a Share Plan in a Private Company.

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