Worldwide—Regional Advisory Service (RAS)

Client: Australia Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade

Duration: 2014-2018

Region: Asia and the Pacific

Country: Regional

Solutions: Governance

The Regional Advisory Service (RAS), funded by Australia’s Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade and managed by DAI, provided expert advice on strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, audit and risk management, and governance to five regional organisations in the Pacific. These organisations drew on RAS experts for technical assistance in improving their organisational performance as well as for help in advancing the Framework for Pacific Regionalism. The service also supported Australia’s Pacific regional aid program with recommendations on strategy, programming, and quality assurance.

Select Results

  • Provided logistical support to nine technical experts in completing advisory assignments.
  • Supported the University of the South Pacific in implementing its five-year strategic plan.
  • Contributed expertise as the Chair of the Pacific Community’s Risk and Audit Committee.
  • Provided strategic guidance to the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat on implementing the Framework for Pacific Regionalism.


South Africa—Technical Assistance to the Education for Employability (E4E) Sector Reform Programme

E4E supports the South African government’s efforts in improving the quality of basic education, vocational training, and job placement services from early childhood through teenage years.

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