Mozambique—Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Market System (PROMAS)

Client: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Duration: 2023-2027

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Mozambique

Solutions: Economic Growth Climate

The Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Market System (PROMAS) project is creating a more competitive, inclusive, climate-resilient market in northern Mozambique. The team applies a market systems approach to increase the income and employment opportunities of male and female smallholder farmers, youth, and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).

Partnering with Swiss development organization Helvetas, DAI is working to: enhance the productivity of smallholder farmers with a special focus on women and young people; improve agriculture input and output markets for smallholder farmers and MSMEs in peri-urban and rural areas; increase the availability of adequate risk management and related instruments for smallholder farmers to absorb climate change shocks; and develop policies and regulations conducive to inclusive agricultural value chain development.

PROMAS draws upon an unrivaled knowledge base gained during the DAI-led InovAgro project, SDC’s flagship market systems project—to ensure PROMAS interventions deliver sustainable, high-impact results in northern Mozambique.


Sample Activities

  • Identify priority risks and identify interventions to help farmers adapt to present and future climate challenges.
  • Incentivise suppliers and agro-dealers to map out and promote crop varieties that are appropriate to the different agroecological zones.
  • Incentivize market partners to promote climate adaptation practices such as conservation farming, crop rotation, and drought-resistant and short-season seed varieties.
  • Engage with the National Seed Authority to explore options for sustainability.
  • Promote inter- and intra-sector dialogues (seeds, output markets, finance) to establish platforms that can lobby and advocate for factors that affect their sectors to provincial and national government.
  • Expand financial products for agribusiness MSMEs.


Democratic Republic of the Congo—Essor: For an Environment Conducive to Investment

Essor acted at meso (business associations) and macro (government) levels to improve the incomes of the poor through the development of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), including women- and youth-owned and ones in rural areas, through reforms to the country’s investment climate and policies.

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