South Africa—Massmart Farmer Support Programme

Client: Walmart

Duration: 2013-2014

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: South Africa

Solutions: Economic Growth

This project increased the number of local suppliers of fresh produce in South Africa to Massmart, a subsidiary of Walmart, in concert with the country’s black economic empowerment policy. It assisted farmers and cooperatives with the informed farm- and market-level support they need to link to Massmart’s fresh produce supply chain. Additionally, we helped farmers access commercial production credit from banks and other sources. Together, this work resulted in sustainable improvement in the capacity of farmers to efficiently increase production and productivity of quality produce.

Select Results

  • Assisted 100-150 farmers in capacity development, business support, market linkages, and technical skills.
  • Operationalized farm upgrading strategies such as improved extension provision, facilitating access to credit facilities, training in “farming as a business,” and facilitating access to business service providers.


Türkiye—Technical Assistance for Strengthening Training and Research Capacity of the Centre for Labour and Social Training and Research (ÇASGEM)

This project supported Türkiye’s Training and Research Centre for Labour and Social Security, medical, and rehabilitation professionals by developing new learning modules on occupational health and safety.

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