Worldwide—Global Evaluation and Monitoring Framework Agreement (GEMFA) - Lot 4

Client: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Duration: 2023-2025

Region: Worldwide

Country: Worldwide

Solutions: Economic Growth Climate Environment Education Global Health Fragile States

The Global Evaluation and Monitoring Framework Agreement (GEMFA) is the primary mechanism of the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) for undertaking its monitoring and evaluation assignments. Lot 4 evaluates assignments valued at less than £600,000 and aims to improve the impact and value for money of the FCDO’s development spending while supporting the effective delivery of the FCDO’s strategic objectives.

Global in scope, the framework covers seven thematic areas:

  • Climate and biodiversity.
  • COVID and health security.
  • Girls’ education.
  • Science, research, and technology.
  • Open societies and conflict resolution.
  • Humanitarian preparedness and response.
  • Trade and economic development.

DAI’s 12-partner consortium for GEMFA Lot 4 call-down assignments comprises the University of Portsmouth, Energy Saving Trust, Climate Sense, Caribou Digital, ACER, Tandem Development, Consilient, Halycon Consulting, Population Council, National Foundation for Educational Research, 3IE, and Conflict Management Council.

DAI already has considerable experience managing similar framework services, including FCDO’s Expert Advisory Call Down Service Lot B and the previous iteration of the GEMFA framework, GEFA.

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Kenya—NiWajibu Wetu (NIWETU)

The Kenya NiWajibu Wetu (NIWETU) program, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, worked to reduce violent extremism among at-risk individuals and communities in hotspots in Kenya.

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