Kazakhstan—Development of Standards for the Civil Service Provision (KCSP)

Client: European Union

Duration: 2005-2007

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Kazakhstan

Solutions: Governance

Following Kazakhstan’s independence in 1991, the government implemented a series of economic and political reforms, but by 2005 further improvements were still required to ensure continued progress. DAI worked with the government to develop performance standards and indicators for the civil service in pilot ministries and oblasts; the standards and indicators were later extended across the whole public administration. The project improved public service delivery, making it more responsive to the people, more efficient, and more economical.

Select Results

  • Consulted with citizens about their needs.
  • Conducted performance surveys and published their results to enhance accountability.
  • Adopted customer service charters to govern the standards of public service delivery in Kazakhstan.
  • Established a pilot one-stop shop to provide administrative services to Kazakh citizens in a cost-effective and timely manner.


Worldwide—Support to European Development Policy and Team Europe

We support the European Commission’s headquarters, EU delegations, and partner countries to deliver the Global Gateway strategy and operate a demand-driven technical assistance facility in close coordination with Directorate-General for International Partnerships and Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations.

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