Türkiye—Technical Assistance for Strengthening Training and Research Capacity of the Centre for Labour and Social Training and Research (ÇASGEM)

Client: European Union

Duration: 2020-2023

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Türkiye

Solutions: Economic Growth

Occupational health and safety (OHS) remains a key concern in Türkiye. In 2017, out of 15,676,733 insured employees, 359,653 suffered from occupational accidents; 691 reported cases of occupational disease; and 1,636 lost their lives. Occupational accidents and diseases cost Türkiye’s economy €1.66 billion per year.

Improving OHS in Türkiye is imperative. In support of this effort, DAI implemented the first phase of the Technical Assistance for Strengthening Institutional Capacity of the Centre for Labour and Social Training and Research (ÇASGEM) program from 2015 to 2017. Our work with ÇASGEM and in-depth knowledge of its institutional needs now guide our experience in implementing the intervention’s second phase.

The second phase supported ÇASGEM, medical, and rehabilitation professionals through new learning modules. The program also worked with ÇASGEM to implement capacity-building activities necessary to meet the goals on requirements of safety and security in labor and social life. Our experts conducted 85 training sessions (benefiting 1,961 participants), created 20 virtual reality scenarios and videos in four industrial sectors, and developed a series of educational books designed to instill a safety-conscious culture from an early age.

Sample Activities

  • Adapt training modules of occupational rehabilitation.
  • Develop training modules around safety culture.
  • Establish a web-based process and performance management system.
  • Design and develop OHS virtual training scenarios.

Select Results

  • Prepared vocational rehabilitation country reports based on the best practices in the European Union (EU) and Canada.
  • Delivered safety culture training modules for the age groups 0-6, 6-15, 15-18, and 18+.
  • Developed a report on mainstreaming OHS into regular and vocational education in EU member states.
  • Developed process performance management system for the use of ÇASGEM.
  • Created 20 virtual reality training scenarios in four major industrial sectors (mining, construction, petrochemical, and metal).
  • Completed 71 training sessions have been completed and 1,631 participants reached through advanced occupational health and safety training and various statistics training.
  • A process safety management manual has been written.
  • Organized study visits to Finland and Sweden to support the return-to-work research activity of ÇASGEM.
  • Produced four awareness-raising films to promote occupational rehabilitation and safety culture studies.
  • Completed seven children’s books, introducing safety culture.
  • Held a promotional conference, a safety culture seminar, and an event on safety culture.


Poland—Polish Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (PolSEFF I & II)

We created a perpetual market for investments in efficient energy by Poland’s local businesses by training financial institutions on how to appraise and finance sensible energy projects; detailing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) the competitive advantages of investing in energy-efficient materials and equipment; and training local experts to assist SMEs in identifying and preparing technically feasible, bankable projects.

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