The Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative (LAVI) improved the citizen-state relationship in Liberia by supporting coalitions and advocacy campaigns that promote public sector accountability. LAVI brought together diverse stakeholders to form coalitions around themes that include improving natural resource management (NRM) and enhancing the education system.
The project also worked with partners from civil society, the private sector, and government to conduct advocacy activities to reform laws, policies, and government programs. To support sustainability in the work of its partners, LAVI built the capacity of coalitions in research, fundraising, outcome monitoring, and communication.
Sample Activities
Provide in-kind grants and support for government agencies involved in NRM to conduct community outreach activities.
Train local small businesses to provide organizational development services to civil society groups, government agencies, and the private sector.
Support coalition partners in developing communication strategies and materials and conducting public relations activities.
Select Results
Facilitated eight civil society organizations in coming together to form the NRM Coalition to advocate for reforms to County Social Development Funds, which collect and distribute funds from extractive concessions to community development projects.
Supported the NRM Coalition in conducting surveys and focus group discussions in Liberia’s 15 counties to inform the creation of a roadmap for advocacy efforts.
Identified and trained a pool of 18 Liberian small businesses, consulting firms, and experienced nongovernmental organizations to function as service providers to address capacity challenges.
Launched the LAVI Learning Lab, a co-working space, technology hub, and online community that supports collaborative efforts for issue-based reform. So far, the lab has been visited by 2,523 individuals.
Supported the Ministry of Education to advocate for a 6 percent increase of the national budget marked for the education sector for education reforms.