Nigeria—Restructured Economic Framework for Openness, Reform, and Macroeconomic Stability (REFORMS)

Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2005-2009

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Nigeria

Solutions: Governance

With its return to democracy, Nigerian authorities have taken major steps to create a strategic framework for the federal budget, guide ministries in charge of delivering services, and open federal procurement to competition. DAI was asked to build on that success by deepening budget reform, expanding it to selected states, preparing key institutions in government and civil society to play an effective role, and supporting policy reform to make it easier for private enterprise—primarily small and medium-sized enterprises—to respond to new opportunities and challenges. The REFORMS program improved the policy environment and addressed major impediments to economic growth in Nigeria. REFORMS was designed to support the government’s National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS) goals: wealth creation, employment generation, poverty reduction, and value reorientation. The NEEDS policy reform goals addressed the following key obstacles: poverty and inequality; weak public sectors; poor economic management; and an unfavorable environment for broad-based, private sector-led economic growth.

Sample Activities

  • Enhance budgetary and procurement oversight.
  • Build capacity for Government of Nigeria institutions and civil society organizations involved in the policy process.
  • Implement policy reforms in key sectors.

Select Results

  • Played a critical role in securing the passage of fiscal responsibility and procurement laws at the federal level by supporting the government’s introduction of multiyear budget planning, and providing tools and capacity building for budget policy development, including sector-specific strategies contained in medium-term sector strategy documents.
  • Helped the government institutionalize publicized, competitive bidding processes for government procurements.
  • Provided technical support to the Microfinance and Monetary Departments of the Central Bank of Nigeria and the National Bureau of Statistics.
  • Supported the federal government’s adoption of an overseas development assistance policy, including a study tour to neighboring Ghana to spotlight that country’s successes.
  • Sponsored stakeholder workshops, legislative reviews, and training for the National Assembly.


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Chilungamo contributed to increased levels of governance, accountability, compliance with the rule of law, and respect, promotion, and protection of human rights in Malawi.

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