Moldova—Support for Structured Policy Dialogue, Coordination of the Implementation of the Association Agreement, and Enhancement of the Legal Approximation Process

Client: European Union

Duration: 2020-2025

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Moldova

Solutions: Governance

With the signing of the European Union (EU)-Moldova Association Agreement (AA) in 2016 that included a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), Moldova opted for political association and economic integration with the EU. This AA/DCFTA was unprecedented and is expected to stimulate domestic reforms and to complete Moldova’s transition to a well-functioning market economy. Further implementation of the AA/DCFTA should bring Moldova the benefits of increased trade, integration into the EU single market, and institutional and socio-economic modernization.

The DAI-led technical assistance project works to increase the capacity of the Government of the Republic of Moldova and other key national institutions in implementing the EU-Republic of Moldova Association Agenda in line with the AA throughout all sectors. We are contributing to the acceleration of the AA/DCFTA implementation and making the process more participatory and transparent.

Drawing upon the best EU and international practices, we provide tailormade technical assistance to the central public authorities of the Republic of Moldova involved in the AA monitoring and implementation, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration; the State Chancellery; the Ministry of Finance; the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure; the Parliament; and the other key project target groups to comprehensively address its needs.

ACED and MCC Moldova co-organized a training seminar for rural Moldovan women entrepreneurs involved in agriculture.jpg

Sample Activities

  • Enhance the structured policy dialogue with civil society and support the communication and awareness-raising on AA issues.
  • Improve policy development mechanisms for adequate budgeting of strategic documents as well as action plans related to the implementation of the AA.
  • Support the legal approximation process by providing technical expertise and capacity building.
  • Develop and upgrade the IT systems in national public administrations to support the implementation of the AA with the European Union, including in terms of security and integrity.

Select Results

  • Prepared 23 assessment reports and recommendations about the Government’s public consultation tools with business, civil society, and the public regarding draft laws.
  • Supported improving existing laws and drafted new laws connected with: copyrights, access to public information, market surveillance, and personal data protection.
  • Organised 55 roundtable discussions with 565 participants from more than 100 institutions.
  • Conducted training sessions with newly elected Members of Parliament about Parliament’s role in Moldova’s EU integration process.
  • Conducted overall assessment of Moldova’s existing gaps as to EU law requirements in several areas, including consumer protection, environment, motor vehicles, aviation, competition, state aid, quality of fuel, and access to public information.


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