Benin—Assistance Technique au Programme d’Appui à la Mise en Oeuvre du Programme d’Appui au Développement Durable du Secteur Agricole (PADDSA)

Client: European Union

Duration: 2018-2022

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Benin

Solutions: Economic Growth

The project provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries (APRM) for the implementation of the Programme d’Appui au Développement Durable du Secteur Agricole (PADDSA), a €70 million initiative to reform Benin’s agricultural sector.

Our assistance combined with complementary support delegated to the Belgian Technical Cooperation, which ensured the capacity building of local stakeholders. PADDSA’s complementary support mechanism ensured the coherence of interventions designed to reform the agriculture, livestock, and fisheries sectors in Benin.

Our project team focused on building the capacity of institutions involved in steering sectoral policy, consolidating the national agricultural statistics and information systems, and improving the general framework for financing agricultural development.

Sample Activities

  • Analyze the main functions of public and private players in the sector.
  • Develop a program to strengthen the APRM by 2022.
  • Improve the sector’s regulatory framework.
  • Support the organization and coordination of the statistical system.
  • Enhance planning, programming, and budgeting tools.
  • Help analyze the performance, efficiency, results, and effects of different mechanisms for agricultural financing services.
  • Design and implement a communication plan on the project and the visibility of EU funding.

Select Results

  • Implemented statistical surveys for the agricultural sector.
  • Validated the master plan of an information system for the APRM.
  • Organised an official handing over ceremony of materials and grants provided within the framework of the PADDSA program.


Southeast Asia—ASEAN-U.S. Partnership for Good Governance, Equitable and Sustainable Development and Security (U.S.-ASEAN PROGRESS)

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) sought to promote equitable and sustainable human development in Southeast Asia through improved governance and regional security for its population of more than 600 million people. The ASEAN-U.S. Partnership for Good Governance, Equitable, and Sustainable Development and Security (PROGRESS) focused on strengthening institutions to advance ASEAN’s vision.

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