Nigeria—Policy Development Facility Bridge (PDF Bridge)

Client: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Duration: 2020-2021

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Nigeria

Solutions: Governance

The Policy Development Facility Bridge programme in Nigeria provided near-term technical assistance to champions of reform in Nigeria’s government—supporting accelerated economic reforms, a more modern and efficient public sector, and better delivery of policy, public goods, and services, and ultimately contributing to inclusive growth and poverty reduction.

The programme identified and worked with champions of change in the Nigerian public sector—supporting them in conceptualising, designing, and driving important policy and regulatory reforms necessary for strengthened public planning, budgeting, and policies for better delivery of public goods and services to citizens. The Bridge programme followed the DAI-led PDF programme, phases I and II.

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Sample Activities

  • Provide assistance toward creating a more transparent and competitive tax system.
  • Produce research on policy priorities of reformers, using this information to inform reform on key policy issues.
  • Identify gaps in technical expertise in the beneficiary organisations and design interventions for tackling the needs in the most efficient and cost‐effective way.

Select Results

  • Supported economic recovery plans to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Contributed to the 75 billion naira Nigeria Youth Investment Fund.
  • Improved auditing systems, transparency, and accountability within Nigeria’s public institutions.
  • Supported non-oil exporters.


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