Serbia—Technical Assistance for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources

Client: European Union

Duration: 2019-2021

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Serbia

Solutions: Environment

Serbia is among the European countries with the highest energy intensity, with a large dependence on fossil fuels, especially coal. Its development targets, however, require bringing the energy sector into a sustainable footing by improving the energy efficiency situation across all sectors and increasing the use of renewable energy sources.

This project contributed to the security of supply, a more competitive energy market, and sustainable energy development in Serbia. Our objective was to improve policy enforcement, monitoring, and harmonization of national legislation in line with the European Union (EU) Energy Acquis and commitments for the energy community.

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Sample Activities

  • Improve the regulatory framework for energy efficiency, aligning with requirements of the energy community and the EU Acquis.
  • Increase the capacity of the Serbian Government to implement energy efficiency legislation and policy, particularly in households and within small businesses.
  • Raise awareness of energy efficiency.
  • Promote the significance of energy audits in small firms to raise energy efficiency and improve the use of energy.
  • Support the implementation of the National Verification Scheme of the Sustainability Criteria for Biofuels and Bioliquids.

Select Results

  • Helped draft Serbia’s National Assembly law on energy efficiency and rational energy use.
  • Prepared legal gap analysis on energy efficiency in the Republic of Serbia.
  • Facilitated a study tour to Estonia.
  • Established synergies with another project, Establishing and Strengthening of Capacities of the Conformity Assessment Bodies for the Implementation of Energy Labelling and Ecodesign Directives.
  • Developed a questionnaire for the assessment of renewable energy potential for bioliquids and biofuels in the Serbian transport sector.
  • Prepared a visibility package for printed materials in accordance with the new visibility guide for EU-funded projects in Serbia and the EUZATEBE campaign, which creates awareness about the role of the EU in Serbia.


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