Client: U.S. Agency for International Development
Duration: 2012-2017
Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Country: Afghanistan
Solutions: Economic Growth
ABADE worked to increase domestic and foreign investment, stimulate employment, and improve sales of Afghan products. By funding Afghan businesses with viable plans and matching funds, ABADE helped these businesses mitigate the financial risk inherent to investing, expanding, and innovating.
ABADE had three components: 1) awarding and managing grants to small and medium businesses and business alliances to support effective planning and innovative ideas, 2) providing technical assistance and business advice, and 3) improving the business-enabling environment. Working under a subcontract to IESC, DAI led the third component by addressing regulatory and procedural barriers, particularly those identified by our partner businesses and alliances.
The Tax, Audit, and Transparency Programme supported the Government of Ethiopia in progressively expanding the tax base and ensuring more effective tax administration.
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