South Africa—Establishment of the Office of Health Standards Compliance

Client: South Africa National Treasury

Duration: 2012-2013

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: South Africa

Solutions: Governance Global Health

We assisting the South Africa National Department of Health (NDoH) as it transformed its Office of Standards Compliance into an independent public agency, the Office of Health Standards and Compliance (OHSC). The OHSC monitors public health services and address complaints of non-compliance, while developing guidelines and providing information on the implementation of set health service standards.

As the sector quality watchdog, the OHSC is leading much-needed improvements in health service quality, change in public health care management, and institution of core health standards in public and private service providers. This move laid the groundwork for the rollout of the NDoH National Health Insurance initiative.

Sample Activities

  • Provide project management technical assistance, including in procurement, financial management, and overall coordination and administrative support to the NDoH in the transition.
  • Facilitate and support the strengthening of the relevant functions and the setting up of the OHSC.


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