Client: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Duration: 2000-2007
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Country: Uganda
Solutions: Economic Growth
Significant achievements have been made in the past decade in revitalizing the Ugandan economy, but poverty levels remain high. The formal private sector has grown, but still comprises a low proportion of the total economy, and its capacity to grow further and faster is held back by weaknesses in the regulatory environment.
From 2000 to 2003, DAI managed the former U.K. Department for International Development (now called Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office)-funded Deregulation project in Uganda, designed to improve the regulatory environment for business growth. The second phase of the project (2003 to 2007) focused on creating national capacity for regulatory best practices in Uganda. The project team worked closely with senior civil servants, Members of Parliament, business leaders, and civil society organizations. The project developed a holistic and inclusive approach to better regulation: blending the team’s experience in economic impact appraisal with social cost-benefit analysis and environmental impact assessment, and bringing a wider range of stakeholders into the consultation and public debate process.
DAI increased access to capital and financial resources for underserved groups of small firms by working with the Bank of Alexandria in enhancing understanding of the issues specific to small firm lending, introducing the best lending and advisory practices, helping to design and roll out a programme that includes nonfinancial services aiming to improve financial literacy among final beneficiaries.
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