Nigeria—Strategic and Business Plan for the African University of Science and Technology

Client: The African University of Science and Technology

Duration: 2022-2023

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Nigeria

Solutions: Governance Education

DAI supported the African University of Science and Technology to develop a strategic and business plan to underpin the performance improvement of the university. In Abuja, the university—a Science and Engineering Innovation and Research Centre—conceived by Africans across the continent and from the diaspora, with major support from the World Bank Institute, was established in 2007 as a regional initiative led by the Nelson Mandela Institution.

The university will expand its scope and evaluate its achievements against the original goal and objectives. We worked with the university to clarify its vision, set new goals, prioritize service offerings, and outline the capacity and management systems it needs to deploy for success. We assessed the institution’s current situation, including its mission, vision, and objectives, and delineated the competitive advantages it can leverage to achieve its current aspirations.

Sample Activities

  • Conduct a benchmark assessment of the university against other similar local, regional, and international educational institutions, using the current operational outputs, deliverables, and overall performance.
  • Assess the existing organizational and partnership structures, funding mechanisms, and academic curricula of the university to determine potential areas for expansion, efficiency, and sustainability.
  • Conduct strategic interviews with key stakeholders to ascertain institutional gaps and perceptions of the university.

Select Results

  • Produced a preliminary findings report that identifies the key drivers affecting the performance and growth of the institution. The report includes actionable recommendations designed to streamline the execution of key strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing performance.
  • Developed a communications strategy to optimize the visibility of the university, strengthen its brand perception amongst targeted stakeholders, and strongly position it within its sector to attract funding.


Ukraine—Support to Strategic Communications

DAI’s project worked to increase the strategic communications capacity of the Ukrainian Government, with an overall objective of ensuring the public’s awareness and understanding of reform processes throughout the country, and fighting disinformation.

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