Client: European Union
Duration: 2022-2026
Region: Worldwide
Country: Worldwide
Solutions: Climate Environment
Many of the least-developed countries are experiencing rapid levels of urbanisation and population growth, putting pressure on the limited resources and dire need for sustainable infrastructure. The European Union (EU) has made it a priority to accelerate a global transition towards carbon neutrality, particularly in urban development.
The first-ever EU Urban Development Technical Facility focuses on supporting partner countries in their urban development challenges. It delivers technical assistance and policy advice to improve the quality and impact of the EU’s interventions in urban development at all levels—local, regional and global—with a focus on Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Integrated urban planning coupled with greener infrastructure and coordinated urban expansion can increase a city’s urban resilience while minimizing the negative environmental impacts of human settlement.
We provide advisory, analytical, and technical reviews for greater coordination and alignment on sustainable urban development; increase knowledge dissemination among all stakeholders; and provide operational support to the EU Platform for Urban Development. These activities contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Green Deal, the EU Global Gateway initiative, the New Urban Agenda, and the Sustainable Development Goals, while also supporting digital transformation, sustainable growth and jobs, good governance, human development, and migration management.
The project promoted environmentally friendly industrial production and contributed to policy development, leading to a Draft National Action Plan for Determining Türkiye’s Emission Strategy that serves as a roadmap for a green transition and zero pollution by 2053.
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