Afghanistan—Stability in Key Areas-North (SIKA-North)

Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2012-2015

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Afghanistan

Solutions: Governance Fragile States

SIKA-North worked to create more resilient communities in Afghanistan that see their government officials as delivering public services and responsive to local problems. This is critical to stability, as Afghans generally assert that government effectiveness improves their personal sense of predictability, community resilience, and physical security.

The project worked with district officials to plan, design, implement, and monitor projects targeted at improving service provision and stability.

Select Results

  • Helped districts pinpoint issues that undermine peace, predictability, and productivity.
  • Promoted district-level communication among government and nongovernment stakeholders to more efficiently create localized stability-based activities.
  • Built capacity to address the sources of instability, provide services to their communities, and improve provincial-district coordination.


Zimbabwe—Accountability and Citizen Engagement (ZIMACE)

The Zimbabwe Accountability and Citizen Engagement (ZIMACE) program protecst human rights and promotes transparent and accountable governance across Zimbabwe by empowering citizens to hold the state accountable for its use of resources and its respect for human rights and democratic principles.

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