Worldwide—EU Global Support Facility for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

Client: European Union

Duration: 2021-2026

Region: Worldwide

Country: Worldwide

Solutions: Climate Environment

Climate action—including achieving climate neutrality and enhancing resilience—is at the heart of the Paris Agreement, 2030 Agenda, and the European Green Deal. As part of the Paris Agreement, all parties communicate new or updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs) every five years, outlining climate actions they have taken. Developing countries are in particular need of support in implementing and updating their own NDCs.

DAI is setting up and operating the EU Global Support Facility for Nationally Determined Contributions to contribute to the transition towards low-carbon, resource-efficient, and resilient economies in line with the Green Deal, Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction, and the Sustainable Development Goals. The facility’s purpose is to deliver high-level technical assistance and policy advice to support the design, update, and implementation of EU partner countries’ NDCs, long-term strategies, and national adaptation plans.

Effects of climate change in northern Kenya.JPG

Sample Activities

  • Provide technical support to partner countries, helping them plan climate adaptation measures including nature-based solutions for adaptation and mitigation purposes, natural capital accounting, and valuation for ecosystems services in the context of the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework, and the 2030 Agenda.
  • Provide advice on issues related to climate loss and damage, disaster risk reduction, disaster and emergency preparedness, early warning systems, risk assessment and management, community resilience, livelihoods, and ecosystems.
  • Support the design and implementation of public economic policies contributing to climate mitigation and adaptation objectives.
  • Support partner countries’ review and enhancement of monitoring, reporting, and verification frameworks related to NDCs and climate strategies.
  • Train stakeholders on the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework, and the 2030 Agenda.
  • Produce communication and visibility products including videos, webpages, and banners/posters around the NDCs.


Türkiye—Addressing Invasive Alien Species Threats in Terrestrial Areas and Inland Waters

This project ensured the resilience of inland waters and terrestrial ecosystems in Türkiye with a specific focus on invasive alien species. It worked to get the species under control in targeted terrestrial areas and inland waters in line with European Union regulations.

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