Client: Business Leadership South Africa
Duration: 2012-2012
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
Country: South Africa
Solutions: Economic Growth
The South African business community, in a 2011 Local Procurement Accord, committed to “promote measures that will enhance the level of localization in private sector supply chains.” Signed by constituents of the business, labor, and government sectors, the accord ultimately aims to create 5 million jobs by 2020.
To gauge businesses’ commitment and to create momentum, Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) commissioned DAI to conduct a study of a small sample of BLSA members to identify potential opportunities for increasing local procurement. In two phases, the aim of the study was to guide future efforts toward achieving Commitment Four (Support for Local Manufacturing by Organized Business) and Commitment Five (Investment of Domestic Manufacturing Sectors) of the Local Procurement Accord. The second phase built on the recommendations of the first with the aim of providing guidance to businesses in the fulfillment of their commitments.
The Afghanistan Competitiveness of Export-Oriented Businesses Activity works to increase the competitiveness of export-oriented businesses in Afghanistan, promoting sustainable nationwide economic growth.
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