Armenia—Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Mountainous Armenia (SIGMA)

Client: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Duration: 2022-2026

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Armenia

Solutions: Economic Growth

The Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Mountainous Armenia (SIGMA) project takes a market systems development (MSD) approach to bolster growth—primarily in the agricultural sector—in the poor rural regions of Armenia. This one-year inception phase will design a subsequent three-year implementation of project activities. Working with local and international experts in the realms of agricultural productivity, value chains, political economy analysis, gender and inclusion, and more, the SIGMA inception will develop a plan for facilitating grant partnerships that catalyze local market economies. The ultimate aim is that the market system becomes resilient and sustainable without external input in the future.

An MSD program takes a long-term, research-focused, strategic approach to identifying how specific rules and regulations, and supporting functions in the geopolitical context can be appropriated for enhanced economic productivity in the targeted area. Once such opportunities are identified, DAI will offer a partnership with a relevant smallholder farmer or business owner. DAI’s role in the partnership is to create a full workplan for activities and supplement up to half the costs for this program of work, thereby reducing risk for the partner and providing funding that wouldn’t otherwise be available. Committing the partner to produce half the funds helps to build independence and self-resilience that can continue after the partnership ends. As these partnerships are strategically identified and developed, a more resilient market economy ensues.

SIGMA beekeeping support for Beekeeping Forge in Armenia 2 crop.jpgSIGMA is partnering with Beekeeping Forge in Armenia to support and promote beekeepers across the country. Photo courtesy: SIGMA.

Select Activities

  • Conduct all prior research and partnership identification to focus on catalyzing the partnerships and managing the subsequent activities.


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