Senegal—Corporate Social Investment

Client: Multinational corporation

Duration: 2019-2019

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Sengeal

Solutions: Sustainable Business

Contracted by an international oil and gas company, DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) scoped and designed a corporate social investment project to address the issue of solid waste pollution in Saint-Louis. Our study provided a broad understanding of the solid waste challenge in Saint-Louis, detailed the key initiatives being undertaken, and proposed potential interventions that the client could spearhead.

Select Results

  • Performed desktop research of key stakeholders, the legislative frameworks, academic literature, and economic environment.
  • Completed field assessment to conduct interviews, site visits, and observations to map challenges of operating in the Saint-Louis environment, map available infrastructure against the needs of the community, and build the client’s understanding of local stakeholders and regional dynamics.
  • Held workshops and multiple discussions with the client over the course of the project to clarify criteria for a successful solid waste solution, build a framework for intervention evaluation and discuss the context and complexity of the environment. A range of potential interventions was considered, following an approach that considered several primary enabling environments factors: policy, regulation, and informal rules; infrastructure, machinery, and equipment; and the supply of and demand for solid waste management.


Canada—Offshore Growth Strategy

DAI’s Sustainable Business Group (SBG) undertook extensive analysis of legal, regulatory, policy, and contractual documents to identify new opportunities to improve the policy framework for local benefits to drive greater local economic growth vis-à-vis employment and small firm participation in the energy supply chain.

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