Mexico—Agricultural and Rural Bank Officer Training Program (FINRURAL)

Client: U.S. Trade and Development Agency, Financiera Rural

Duration: 2006-2008

Region: Latin America and the Caribbean

Country: Mexico

Solutions: Economic Growth

Through a U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) grant, DAI created and implemented a rural bank and credit officer training program to give Financiera Rural staff a solid foundation in rural and agricultural loan and credit operations, and to give the institution the in-house expertise it needed to meet its future demands for new officer training. The program had clear training and impact objectives—as well as built-in tools for assessing the impact of the training on both skill development and institutional performance—and made extensive use of participant exercises to reinforce the skills learned in the training sessions. The interactive, multimedia training and testing program was designed to be used as part of a trainer-led program or for independent study to reinforce knowledge learned during the initial training.

Select Results

  • Created basic and advanced training modules in basic and advanced credit analysis; microcredit; Financiera Rural credit policies and procedures; BankExec international bank simulation; rural financial markets, institutions, and clients; elements of rural business development; agricultural concepts; managing problem loans; systemic risk analysis and management; and evaluating and financing rural financial institutions.


Afghanistan—Competitiveness of Export-Oriented Businesses Activity (ACEBA)

The Afghanistan Competitiveness of Export-Oriented Businesses Activity works to increase the competitiveness of export-oriented businesses in Afghanistan, promoting sustainable nationwide economic growth.

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