Somalia—Technical Assistance and Partnership Facility

Client: European Union

Duration: 2024-2026

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Somalia

Solutions: Governance Economic Growth

Somalia faces complex challenges impacting its political stability and societal well-being. The European Union is committed to fostering sustainable development, encouraging inclusive and eco-friendly economic growth, and strengthening resilience and social inclusion for Somalia’s progress.

The Technical Assistance and Partnership Facility unfolds through three essential components. Firstly, it boosts governmental capacity at both state and federal levels, with a specific focus on the Ministry of Planning. At the same time, technical experts are strengthening the identification, formulation, implementation, and monitoring of EU-funded programs in Somalia. This spans crucial areas such as climate change adaptation and social protection. The third component underscores the importance of nurturing partnerships and fostering policy dialogues between the EU and Somalia. Through these holistic efforts, the EU seeks to tackle Somalia’s challenges comprehensively, laying the foundation for sustainable development and stability, in alignment with the Somalia National Development Plan.


Sample Activities

  • Strengthen the capacity of the government of Somalia at both state and federal levels, specifically the Ministry of Planning.
  • Strengthen the formulation, implementation, and monitoring of EU-funded programmes in Somalia, including the coordination of Team Europe Initiative.
  • Mainstream climate change measures in EU-financed projects and programmes.
  • Enhance partnerships and foster collaboration on key topics relevant to EU-Somalia cooperation.


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