Client: U.S. Agency for International Development
Duration: 2010-2013
Region: Asia and the Pacific
Country: Nepal
Solutions: Global Health
Preparing food for children ages 6-24 months takes a lot of mothers’ time, which is often limited by other responsibilities. In low-income neighborhoods of Kathmandu, Nepal, there is a minimal supply of, but high demand for, processed, affordable, and nutritious weaning foods that incorporate multiple food groups.
Tufts University, DAI, and Right Direction Nepal assisted a Kathmandu-based cottage industry that produces foods that complement breastfeeding. The goal: help this cottage industry to produce processed (quick and easy) weaning food for infants and toddlers at higher quality and nutrition, higher volume, and lower cost.
The Feed the Future Senegal Policy Systems Services (PSS) Activity works to advance Senegal’s self-reliance, decrease poverty, improve nutritional outcomes, build resilience, improve water security, and accelerate inclusive agricultural growth and transformation.
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