Nigeria—Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta

Client: NDPI Foundation and PIND (Funded by Chevron Corporation)

Duration: 2010-2019

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Nigeria

Solutions: Sustainable Business Economic Growth

DAI assisted the Chevron Corporation with the strategic design of the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND), a Nigerian-registered foundation, by helping outline a strategy for its economic development program, specifically orienting its activities around a market systems approach and developing monitoring and evaluating mechanisms to document their impact. Collectively, these recommendations informed the principles of intervention, program areas, sustainable outcomes, and intermediate and final impacts of the Foundation’s 2011–2014 Strategic Plan. DAI also identified resources to execute the economic development component of the plan, and established criteria for prioritizing projects and selecting implementing partners.


Sample Activities

  • Assure PIND’s plan coheres with and integrates into its broader social and business objectives.
  • Provide long-term technical assistance and capacity building expertise to help implement the strategic plan and operationalize the Economic Development Centre into a sustainable local institution.
  • Train foundation and centre staff and implementing partners in the M4P approach and techniques of value chain analysis.
  • Supervise implementation of five value chain studies by local partners.
  • Help PIND plan and refine program activities targeting systemic value chain development programs, infrastructure projects designed to create sustainable employment through building the capacity of local firms to provide high labor intensity contracting, and business linkage programs to enhance the ability of local firms to supply goods and services to international oil companies.

Select Results

  • Identified economic sector opportunities in the Delta Region through industry studies and value chain analyses to determine the optimum point of leverage for market strengthening interventions and focusing on broader value chains for which Chevron’s significant spend represents a strong growth market.
  • Operating an Economic Development Center in Warri, Nigeria, to allow communities to take advantage of opportunities in Chevron and surrounding supply chains.
  • Increased the quality of local goods and services from better production techniques.
  • Helped 560,000 farmers improve their farming and business skills.
  • 300,000 PIND-assisted farmers and small and medium-sized enterprises have increased their incomes by a cumulative $56.5 million.
  • Created more than 12,000 jobs.
  • Produced more than 50 research articles on equitable socioeconomic programs, infrastructure needs, and other areas that underpin development assistance in Nigeria by PIND and others.
  • Leveraged $100 million in development assistance by donors such as the U.S. Agency for International Development, U.K. Department for International Development, UNICEF, and the Ford Foundation.


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