Zambia—Enhanced Capacity and Compliance with International Aviation Standards

Client: European Union

Duration: 2020-2024

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Zambia

Solutions: Governance

The Zambian aviation sector faces many technical, financial, and institutional capacity challenges. Nevertheless, air traffic in Zambia has grown strongly over the past 10 years, albeit from a low base. Based on current traffic and GDP projections, the Zambian aviation sector is set to expand significantly over the next decade. This growth would add extra demand on Zambia to implement the necessary safety and security oversight obligations, in line with requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Our project supports Zambia’s aviation sector—strengthening its policy, regulatory, and institutional capacities to improve compliance with international aviation standards, especially in terms of air safety and security oversight.

Our assistance enhances the policy and legal environment in the aviation sector. It also includes a broad range of specialized training in critical aviation-related fields to enhance the necessary institutional capacities of key aviation stakeholders in Zambia.

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Sample Activities

  • Support the Ministry of Transport and Communications in developing an aviation strategy.
  • Conduct a feasibility study regarding the separation of the airport management and Air Navigation Services functions into fully independent business entities.
  • Ensure airport management and operations in Zambia are in line with international best practices.
  • Develop a blueprint for transforming Kenneth Kaunda International Airport into an aviation hub for the Sub-Saharan Africa region and beyond.
  • Improve the air traffic and airport management in accordance with ICAO international standards.
  • Assist in the procurement of specialist equipment and installation of backup manual weather observation stations, METEO equipment, and calibration tools.


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