Tackling Illicit Financial Flows in Latin America (TIFF) is a UK Government programme, funded by the Integrated Security Fund (formerly the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund). TIFF works with a number of state institutions, providing expert assistance to enhance countries’ strategies and responses to illicit financial flows (IFFs) and associated corruption. The regional program works from a central management hub in Colombia through engagement with regional counterparts in Ecuador, Colombia, Perú, and Panamá.
Sample Activities
Provide strategic support to selected units for Prosecutor’s Offices, including technical assistance and methodologies to respond to IFFs.
Provide strategic support to national authorities to tackle environmental crime issues.
Increase the regional capacity of Financial Intelligence Units.
Select Results
Strengthened the capacity of the Ecuadorian Attorney-General’s Office in analyzing, investigating, and prosecuting domestic anti-corruption dynamics through methodologies and guides.
Strengthened the capacity of the Colombian Attorney-General’s Office to analyze, investigate, and prosecute illicit financial flows. This was achieved by providing technical assistance to upgrade their technological platform and methodologies.
Conducted a Political Economy Analysis and other studies offering a comprehensive understanding of Illicit Financial Flows and their connection to deforestation in Peru.
Bolstered the capacity of regional Financial Intelligence Units in Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, and Panama. This was achieved by fostering cross-regional collaboration through a series of bilateral and multilateral exchanges between the institutions.
Our principal responsibility under this subcontract was to strengthen the governance capacity and accountability mechanisms of partner country health systems.