Client: Millennium Challenge Corporation
Duration: 2017-2019
Region: Asia and the Pacific
Country: Mongolia
Solutions: Governance
Following Mongolia’s transition from a state managed to market economy, migration to the nation’s capital, Ulaanbaatar, led to a rapid and uncontrolled expansion of the city’s outer suburbs. Sprawling settlements continue to develop without planned infrastructure, resulting in limited and expensive water and sanitation services. Unclear governing responsibilities further hindered the installation of public water systems in these areas, contributing to increased health and environmental risks for people living there.
In support of the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s (MCC) Second Compact with Mongolia, DAI developed policy and planning solutions to address constraints to water access and supply in Ulaanbaatar’s periphery settlements. DAI’s team advised the MCC on how to strengthen the ability of local institutions to manage urban expansion and plan for future water needs. The team also investigated policy recommendations to improve urban water services.
The Youth Resilience, Inclusion & Empowerment in the Caribbean Activity—in Grenada, Guyana, and Saint Lucia—supports young people to build more safe, prosperous, and resilient societies.
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