Montenegro—Capacity Building and Improved Legal Harmonization, Performance and Efficiency within the Transport Sector

Client: European Union

Duration: 2025-2028

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Montenegro

Solutions: Governance Economic Growth

Montenegro has made significant progress in the transport sector as part of its European Union (EU) accession process, achieving a satisfactory level of preparedness in strategic development aligned with the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) framework. However, challenges persist in legislative alignment, infrastructure project maturity, and administrative capacity, which require targeted reforms and capacity-building to ensure compliance with EU standards and effective implementation of transport policies.

Our project strengthens Montenegro’s transport sector by enhancing institutional capacity, aligning national legislation with EU transport acquis, and advancing the preparation and implementation of priority transport projects.

The initiative focuses on improving strategic planning, legal harmonization in areas like road safety and maritime transport and developing priority infrastructure projects to a mature stage. These efforts contribute to creating a more efficient, sustainable, and EU-compliant transport system in Montenegro.


Select Activities

  • Strengthen transport institutions through capacity building, mentoring, on-the-job training, coaching, and guidance, enhancing skills in strategic planning, project preparation, tendering, implementation, and monitoring.
  • Draft an action plan and systematize administrative structures to establish sustainable frameworks with staff retention policies for future European Structural and Investment Funds implementation.
  • Close remaining legislative gaps to align national laws with the EU acquis in areas such as combined transport, inter-modality, intelligent transport systems, road safety, maritime safety, and railway market access.
  • Advance the implementation of six action plans under the Transport Community Treaty covering rail, transport facilitation, road safety, waterborne transport, multimodality, social issues, and passenger rights.
  • Develop a National Policy Framework for the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure, ready for government adoption.


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