Bulgaria—Allianz Bank Bulgaria AD

Client: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Duration: 2007-2010

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Bulgaria

Solutions: Economic Growth

DAI was contracted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, under its Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Finance Facility Special Fund, to support Allianz Bank’s ability to downscale its lending activities to the SME sector in Bulgaria. In 2007, the fund provided Allianz Bank with a credit line of €5 million for on-lending to Bulgarian SMEs and to be disbursed over a period of up to two years. Following the successful utilization of the credit line, an extension for additional €5 million was signed in February 2009. Both credit lines were fully utilized by the end of the assignment.

Select Results

  • Reviewed and made recommendations for improvement of the lending methodology.
  • Developed a detailed MSME standard loan product package (SLP) that included products for both the micro and SME segment and was designed to cover a broad range for financing needs of the sector in consideration of existing bank products, sector and market demand.
  • Assisted ABB in the development of separate score cards for larger SME loans and for micro loans.


Ethiopia—Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT)

The Land Investment for Transformation programme raised incomes for the rural poor and vulnerable populations in Ethiopia and enhanced economic growth through second-level land certification and improved rural land administration.

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