Türkiye—Technical Assistance for Establishment of Boosting Effective and Sustainable Transformation for Energy (BEST for Energy)

Client: European Union

Duration: 2020-2023

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Türkiye

Solutions: Environment Climate

In recent years, energy consumption in Türkiye has grown rapidly, due to urbanization, positive demographic trends, economic growth, and increasing per capita income. But the country remains dependent on imported sources of energy, which can experience price fluctuations. Improving energy security is, therefore, one of Türkiye’s top priorities.

The Technical Assistance Project for Establishment of Boosting Effective and Sustainable Transformation for Energy (BEST for Energy) increased the use of alternative energy sources, including renewable sources. The project also supported Türkiye’s renewable energy industry and services to become more internationally competitive.

BEST for Energy focused on the city of İzmir—and its vicinity—to ensure strong clustering in the renewable energy sector, which is essential to stimulating a long-term and self-sufficient enabling environment. The project contributed to İzmir’s regional renewable energy service and equipment industry cluster by increasing the competitiveness of its value chain, in line with the Competitiveness and Innovation Sector Operational Programme in Türkiye.

The project developed a long-term competitiveness strategy and provided professional training in the clean energy sector. A significant accomplishment was the facilitation of a €343 million investment in solar panel production, leading to the creation of 2,500 job opportunities.

Sample Activities

  • Preparing a development strategy and action plan for Izmir’s renewable energy services and equipment cluster.
  • Promoting the renewable energy service and equipment cluster.
  • Creating capacity-building activities for cluster organizations, the Izmir Development Agency, and stakeholders.

Select Results

  • Organized six clean energy ideathons—open innovation events with the participation of 388 university students. Four new green startups have been established.
  • Trained 1,211 professionals from 222 companies to apply best practices in clean energy through business value chains; 50 companies took part in an advisory program.
  • Developed a comprehensive training program for kids to raise their awareness of the potential of clean energy technology. By using STEM kits and gamification tools, the project trained 1,728 young people.
  • Conducted a detailed international demand analysis with 328 companies from 28 different countries.


Worldwide—Fragile Waters

The Fragile Waters mechanism provides U.S. Agency for International Development Operating Units, government ministries, service providers, regulators, basin authorities, local officials, and communities with the information and interventions needed to pivot water security approaches and programs as shocks and stressors unfold.

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