Ukraine—Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Activity (Pro-Integrity)

Client: U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2023-2027

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Ukraine

Solutions: Governance

Nine years on from the Revolution of Dignity and one and half years since Russia’s full-scale invasion, corruption continues to be an impediment for Ukraine to realize its full potential. Despite many successes since the Revolution, including establishing a modern specialized anti-corruption architecture, corruption problems continue to pervade the government and economy, undermining public confidence in governance institutions, hindering democratic consolidation, and posing challenges for Ukraine’s ability to recover and rebuild.

The Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Activity (Pro-Integrity) program addresses the root causes of corruption and tackles corruption risks at the national institutional level, at the local government level, and in issues related to Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction.

Pro-Integrity works to: strengthen national-level anti-corruption institutional capacity to advance corruption prevention, detection, and deterrence; strengthen anti-corruption compliance and control in local governance; and advance transparency and accountability in resilience, recovery, and reconstruction efforts.

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Sample Activities

  • Collaborate with non-governmental anti-corruption stakeholders at the national and sub-national level to advance anti-corruption impact.
  • Provide policy guidance, technical expertise, and financial support necessary to achieve key reforms related to Ukraine’s European Union and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development accession and in other policy areas prioritized by Ukrainian government actors and the Ukrainian people.
  • Strengthen core administrative, management, and organizational skills and processes needed to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Foster collaboration between private sector and government to develop and pilot innovative and technology-based solutions to reduce corruption risks, including via solution incubators, social impact investment in anti-corruption initiatives, and hackathons.
  • Assist in adoption and institutionalization of integrity-based civil service recruitment practices.


Georgia—Advancing Reforms in the Justice Sector

The Advancing Reforms in the Justice Sector in Georgia project continues initiatives that support judicial reform and fosters security, equality, and democratic participation by improving human rights protection and criminal justice, reducing violence against women, and boosting civil society engagement.

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