Southern Africa—Freshmark Project Evaluation

Client: TradeMark Southern Africa

Duration: 2012-2012

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Regional

Solutions: Economic Growth

DAI was commissioned by TradeMark Southern Africa to conduct an independent evaluation of retailer Freshmark’s project helping 200 small-scale farmers in Southern Africa meet the retailer’s minimum food safety and quality standards, with the aim of improving the relationship between the retailer and its suppliers. The 36-month project DAI evaluated was implemented by QC Fresh, on behalf of Freshmark, in Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, and Zambia. The evaluation assessed the project’s relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, replicability, and lessons learned.

Sample Activities

  • Review literature on food safety and quality standards with an emphasis on how food safety and quality standards have affected smallholder participation in supermarket supply chains.
  • Review and analyze project documents and reports to understand the project’s scope, focus, and achievements.
  • Conduct site visits and interview with farmers, Freshmark personnel, and QC Fresh staff.

Select Results

  • Interviewed 25 small-scale farmers with seven staff members from Freshmark.
  • Overall, the evaluation found the project bridged a critical gap in small-scale farmers’ efforts to upgrade and align with new retail standards on food safety and quality. In spite of the design and implementation challenges, the project had been successful in achieving its main objectives.


Cambodia—Technical Assistance to the Sustainable Assets for Agriculture Markets, Business, and Trade (SAAMBAT) Programme

The Technical Assistance to the Sustainable Assets for Agriculture Markets, Business and Trade (SAAMBAT) programme works to reduce multidimensional poverty by developing a better connected, more climate resilient, and more equitable rural economy in Cambodia.

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