Client: Kreditanstalt for Wiederaufbau
Duration: 2005-2009
Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Country: Montenegro
Solutions: Environment
A high degree of inefficiency and pollution are major challenges facing the Montenegrin energy sector, besides the necessity of general rehabilitation measures. The economic potential for investments in renewable energies and energy efficiency measures in Montenegro is high and—due to a lack of information, awareness, and financial means—far from being used to full capacity. DAI established a facility to promote renewable energies and energy-efficiency related investments. DAI, in partnership with Encon Services, was contracted by Kreditanstalt for Wiederaufbau (KFW) to assist in the implementation of the Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Facility (RE-EE) Facility in Montenegro.
DAI is strengthening Türkiye’s capacity to prepare European Union-required river basin management plans for six out of the 25 river basins in the country.
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