Regional—Human Capital Development Plus (HCD+)

Client: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Duration: 2022-2024

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Burkina Faso

Solutions: Governance

DAI incubated Human Capital Development Plus (HDC+), a regional advocacy and technical assistance hub that contributes to increasing government commitment, funding, and accountability to developing human capacity across the continent.

We incubated HCD+ from a program sponsored within DAI into a fully registered and functional not-for-profit HCD hub in Nigeria to serve as a continental platform and critical partner for African governments. We provided assistance in setting up HCD+ to be an independent entity professionally staffed with tested processes, controls, and governance structures established to deliver on its vision.

HCD+ has the capability to serve as an African voice for advocacy, accountability, and transparency on issues of human capital. It seeks to accelerate political commitments, decision-making, and funding for key priorities toward realizing Sustainable Development Goals No. 1-6 in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Sample Activities

  • Develop a subaward/contract model and train of staff on a sub-award software.
  • Develop a business and sustainability plan.
  • Train staff on compliance, procurement, and financial processes and software.

Select Results

  • Launched and fully staffed Africa HCD+.
  • Developed all processes and procedures and trained all staff.
  • Completed statutory registrations.
  • Established the Governance Board.


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The FPEMP project helped the Government of El Salvador increase tax revenue, without raising rates, and achieve greater transparency and accountability, and more efficiently use public resources.

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