Botswana—Technical Assistance to Support the Implementation of the Education Sector Plan

Client: European Union

Duration: 2017-2018

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Botswana

Solutions: Education Governance

As part of a national development strengthening initiative, Botswana has begun transforming its education system to align it with the national development vision—culminating in the Education and Training Strategic Sector Plan (ETSSP).

DAI supported the Government of Botswana, and especially the Ministry of Education and Skills Development, to implement the ETSSP and to undertake key system reforms, including improvements in public finance management. The ETSSP supported Botswana’s Vision 2016 development goals through the 10th National Development in terms of a prosperous, productive, and innovative society achieved through poverty reduction, promotion of life-long learning and helping to promote the National Human resources Development Strategy (NHRDS).

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Sample Activities

  • Establish robust and efficient systems and frameworks for improved service delivery by the public, mainly in the education sector of Botswana.
  • Improve the capacity in concerned ministries and parastatals to implement system reforms and policies as laid out in reform programmes approved by the Government.
  • Integrate holistic advisory services that provide solutions to the benefit of the sector(s) concerned.
  • Strengthen and improve processes in place of planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the Education Sector Plan 2015-2020 in the ministries in the education sector and concerned parastatals.

Select Results

  • Strengthened the leadership and supported the Ministry of Education to establish a ministerial coordination structure in charge of the ETSSP.
  • Supported the facilitation of an inclusive priority-setting process under the leadership of the coordination structure.
  • Developed a comprehensive training programme for senior managers to support strategic, articulated, results-focused and evidence-based planning of workplans and programmes to implement the ETSSP.
  • Defined education services management at the local and regional levels, the relations between different layers of ministries in ensuring education service provision.
  • Developed a decentralisation plan for the Ministry of Basic Education.
  • Delivered a roll-out plan for decentralisation of Ministry of Basic Education to include a monitoring framework.
  • Supported the development of a framework of core indicators for measuring progress and reporting schedule and timetable for quarterly and joint annual review of progress in implementing the ETSSP.
  • Developed a monitoring and evaluation framework with reporting responsibilities in ministry departments and parastatals.
  • Developed national guidelines to support programme roll-out, school planning tools, and school leader and teacher performance management system with targets for appraisals.
  • Developed a National Credit and Qualifications Framework.


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