Client: European Union
Duration: 2019-2025
Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Country: Ukraine
Solutions: Governance
[Since the Russian invasion in February 2022, DAI’s programs in Ukraine have had to adapt their modes of operation and in some cases their underlying activities and objectives. This project description remains generally accurate but should be read with that caveat in mind.]
Economic and political turbulence in Ukraine’s recent past have not only disrupted the country’s macroeconomic and financial stability, but also undermined its investment climate, access to financial services for citizens and businesses, trade performance, and job creation.
The European Union (EU)-funded project addresses the various technical barriers that stand in the way of Ukraine’s economic development and success. Ukraine’s public and private sectors require further reform to develop an economy that can deliver balanced and sustainable growth that brings the country closer to Europe.
The project is enhancing Ukraine’s transparency and business climate, facilitating domestic and foreign direct investment in the private sector and more closely integrating Ukraine into the European and global economies. Improvements to Ukraine’s business and investment climate will make the country a more attractive destination for the new capital needed to transform the economy and place state finances on a stable foundation.
Our project supported the SWAIMS programme to improve maritime security and safety in the Gulf of Guinea. We strengthened governance and law enforcement frameworks against maritime crimes, operational capacities, and response by law enforcement.
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