Worldwide—Analysis of Youth-Related Policies and Actions and Future Recommendations

Client: European Union

Duration: 2020-2022

Region: Worldwide

Country: Worldwide

Solutions: Governance

The young generation of today is the largest in history—posing both a challenge and an opportunity for international cooperation and development. Young people face important challenges linked to job creation and labor markets, employability, displacement and migration, conflict, violent extremism, and the effects of climate change. With its bilateral, regional, continental, and global partners, reaching the young generation is one of the European Union’s key priorities both within and outside its borders.

Our project assisted the European Commission’s Directorate General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) in identifying best practices for youth actions around the world, with a view to formulate future actions to fill existing gaps and to ensure the largest impact and coherence with other activities. The project also supported the launch of the European Union (EU)’s Youth Sounding Board, aimed at giving young people a voice on topics related to EU’s development cooperation.

Select Results

  • Analysed and identified relevant policies and best policy practices supporting and engaging with youth implemented by the EU, EU Member States, and other relevant actors.
  • Formulated recommendations on youth policies for DG INTPA and the EU.
  • Supported the launch of EU’s Youth Sounding Board, gathering 25 young people from all over the world to provide the EU advice on topics spanning all political priorities.
  • Supported the consultation process on the EU’s Youth Action Plan.


Malawi—Justice and Accountability Programme (Chilungamo)

Chilungamo contributed to increased levels of governance, accountability, compliance with the rule of law, and respect, promotion, and protection of human rights in Malawi.

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