Nigeria—Partnership for Transforming Health Systems 1 (PATHS 1)

Client: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Duration: 2002-2008

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

Country: Nigeria

Solutions: Global Health

The Partnership for Transforming Health Systems 1 (PATHS 1) supported local initiatives to strengthen government stewardship in health policy, planning, and financing; improve management in public health, particularly at local levels; raise standards of preventative services, particularly in the areas of malaria, tuberculosis, reproductive health, sexually transmitted infections, and motherhood and childhood illnesses; and raise awareness of people’s rights to quality, affordable care and increase their ability to prevent and manage health conditions.

DAI Global Health was a core part of the implementation consortium and led on providing technical support for systems strengthening and social development activities.

In Nigeria, a traditionally challenging working environment, the PATHS 1 process, aided by early, intensive engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, was very successful. For example, there was a dramatic increase in the use of district hospitals, the use of emergency obstetric care, and in immunization rates; while in policy, consensus was built around the need for pro-poor and equitable health services.



Worldwide—Global Evaluation Framework Agreement 1 and 2

The Global Evaluation Framework Agreement 2 ensured the provision of efficient and effective expert services for the design and implementation of evaluations.

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