Lebanon—Technical Assistance Facility for the Private Sector

Client: European Union

Duration: 2020-2022

Region: Middle East and North Africa

Country: Lebanon

Solutions: Economic Growth

In recent decades, Lebanon’s private sector has grown, largely organically, to become a dynamic and entrepreneurial hub for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It is highly diversified, covering all levels of the economy, and contributes to around 75 percent of aggregate demand. In fact, the private sector has become the main driver of Lebanon’s economic growth and recovery.

The Technical Assistance Facility contributed to the expansion and diversification of Lebanon’s economy through the modernization of the private sector and the promotion of trade, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

Sample Activities

  • Improve entrepreneurial skills and create linkages between companies.
  • Increase Lebanon’s compliance with international requirements and technical standards, with a particular focus on sanitary and phytosanitary standards, as well as access of Lebanon’s pharmaceutical products to the European Union market.

Select Results

  • Provided technical and advisory support to 25 Lebanese companies in the technology, agrifood, and healthcare sectors.
  • Created a Knowledge Innovation Hub for the Lebanese private sector.
  • Delivered tailored workshops to improve the productivity, marketing strategies, and national and international sales for participating companies.


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